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"If there were truly a heaven and truly a hell, and I, in flames myself, saw him in Abraham's bosom, not to escape from that torment would I call to him, 'Once we were neighbours, once it seemed that we might have been friends come down, come down and help me, Cary!" He laughed, a harsh sound that came back from the rock above him.

The latter could stand upon his feet, but it was with effort, and he needed the assistance of his companion. Zulma was thunderstruck on seeing the wounded officer. He was no less astonished at seeing her. Batoche smiled as he glanced over the room. But not a syllable was uttered, until Cary had found a resting place in the easy chair before the fire.

Cary had long since given up laughing at Yeo about the "little maid;" and Amyas answered, "So let it be, Yeo, if the rest agree: but what shall we do to the westward?" "Do?" said Cary; "there's plenty to do; for there's plenty of gold, and plenty of Spaniards, too, they say, on the other side of these mountains: so that our swords will not rust for lack of adventures, my gay knights-errant all."

I've been wondering, seeing that I have talked to you of so much, if I ever talked to you of that. On the whole, I don't think that I ever have. Cultivate your memory, Mr. Mocket. Mine is a damnably poor one. And so," ended Tom, "he rode away and left me staring. I don't know whether his head is turned or not, but he looked strong enough for anything and all a Cary.

Cary Singleton was transported. He stormed against himself for having been a fool. Why had he not understood these things ten minutes ago as he understood them now? But he would make up for it. He would run over to his encampment, a few rods behind the wood which skirted the road, procure a horse, and start off in pursuit of the beautiful girl.

"Did you hear any unusual noise in Captain Lloyd's room that afternoon or night?" "No, sir, I did not. As I said before, the cook was the only servant in the house, and I had to help her in the kitchen." "Do you know the accused?" "I do, sir." "When did you last see her and where?" "I saw her on the afternoon of the sixth of March when she came to my house to see her friend, Miss Alice Cary."

There was a short service in the afternoon, and in the evening she and Cary sang hymns. They were getting to be very good friends. Then on Christmas morning they all went again. There was a little "box and fir," and a branch of hemlock in the corner, but the people of that day would have been horrified at the greenery and the flowers met to hail the birth of Christ to-day.

Your friendship has been the one ray of light in the darkness of this war. Should I survive, shall we not meet again? "Your devoted servant, "CARY SINGLETON." When Zulma had read the letter once, she smoothed it out gently on her knee, threw her head back into her chair, and closed her eyes. After an interval of full five minutes, she roused herself and took up the paper again.

Old Cary the man who claimed to possess some knowledge of Leirya said that when he last sailed in these seas the pirate was cruising in a schooner of unusual length, and lying very low in the water, her hull painted black, with a broad scarlet riband, in which her open gun-ports looked like a number of gaping mouths, having been built very large to enable the broadside guns to be trained almost fore and aft.

Behind them lay two long, low, ugly-looking craft, at sight of which Yeo gave a long whew. "Galleys, as I'm a sinful saint! And what's that big one inside of them, Robert Drew? She has more than hawseholes in her idolatrous black sides, I think." "We shall open her astern of the galleys in another minute," said Amyas. "Look out, Cary, your eyes are better than mine."