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One bullet square through the carotid artery . . . That leads from the heart to the head," he explained as though his listeners were children athirst for knowledge which he and none other could impart. "The cerebrum penetrated by a second. . . ."

Saniel, behind the chair, had taken the knife in his right hand, while he pressed the left heavily on Caffies forehead, and with a powerful stroke, as quick as lightning, he cut the larynx under the glottis, as well as the two carotid arteries, with the jugular veins. From this terrible wound sprang a large jet of blood, which, crossing the room, struck against the door.

In our experiment the blood-pressures of both dogs were recorded on a drum when adrenalin was injected into the common carotid. The adrenalin caused a rise in blood-pressure, an increase in the force of cardiac contraction, increase in respiration, and a characteristic adrenalin rise in the blood-pressure of both dogs.

The actor may artificially tremble, or breathe heavily, but the strong pulsation of the carotid artery or the moistness of the skin from perspiration will not come with an imitated emotion. Of course, that is true of the actor on the stage, too. But the content of the words and the modulation of the voice can help so much that the shortcomings of the visual impression are forgotten.

While it may happen that the initial hæmorrhage is rapidly fatal, as for example when the external carotid or one of its branches suddenly gives way, it is quite common to have one, two or more warning hæmorrhages before the leakage on a large scale, which is rapidly fatal.

Light from pressing the eye-ball, and sound from the pulsation of the carotid artery. 2. Ideas in sleep mistaken for perceptions. 3. Ideas of imagination produce pain and sickness like sensations. 4. When the organ of sense is destroyed, the ideas belonging to that sense perish. V. Analogy between muscular motions and sensual motions, or ideas. 1.

The fact that compression of the vessel does not affect the size and tension of these fluid swellings is useful in distinguishing them from aneurysm. Treatment. Digital compression of the vessel against the transverse process of the sixth cervical vertebra the "carotid tubercle" has been successfully employed in the treatment of aneurysm near the bifurcation.

Popliteal, carotid and other aneurysms, which are not of traumatic origin, are sometimes dealt with on this plan, which is the old "Method of Antyllus" with modern aseptic conditions. Speaking generally, if an aneurysm can be dealt with surgically the sooner that the artery is tied the better. Less heroic measures are too apt to prove painful, dangerous, ineffectual and disappointing.

He knew enough anatomy to make pretty certain of getting the carotid artery. And at the same time he wanted to cover her pale, thin face with kisses. "If I could only make you understand how frightfully I'm in love with you." "You haven't begged my pardon yet." He grew very white. She felt that she had done nothing wrong on that occasion. She wanted him now to humble himself. He was very proud.

He was seen thirty minutes later in an apparently lifeless condition, but efforts at resuscitation were successfully made. Baron Larrey mentions a case of gunshot wound in which the carotid artery was open at its division into internal and external branches, and says that the wound was plugged by an artilleryman until ligation, and in this primitive manner the patient was saved.