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In other cases they are due to aneurysm of the ophthalmic artery, to thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, and, in rare instances, to cirsoid aneurysm. If compression of the common carotid is found to arrest the pulsation, ligation of this vessel is indicated.

He surrounded the head with a perfect halo of knives, and the neck with a collar from which nobody could have extricated himself without cutting his carotid artery, while, to increase the difficulty, the old fellow went through the performance without seeing, his whole face being covered with a close mask of thick oilcloth.

Through the neck, no bullet left in wound. Windpipe, food-pipe, carotid, jugular, half a dozen smaller, but still formidable vessels, a great braid of nerves, each as big as a lamp-wick, spinal cord, ought to kill at once, if at all. Thought not mortal, or not thought mortal, which was it? The first; that is better than the second would be. "Keedysville, a post-office, Washington Co., Maryland."

Of course he examines them chiefly with his fingers, and after long practice is able to find at once the jugular vein and carotid artery of any author." To recognize them as needless without reading them, is a feat that would be thought impossible, if scholars everywhere did not daily perform it.

The common carotid was divided and for five minutes there was profuse hemorrhage which, however, strange to say, spontaneously ceased. The patient died in thirty-eight hours, supposedly from spinal concussion or shock. Relative to ligature of the common carotid artery, Ashhurst mentions the fact that the artery has been ligated in 228 instances, with 94 recoveries.

Her cheeks flushed and her eyes brightened as she seized it. "This! this!" she said, "this small instrument is sufficient to save me! Should the worst ensue, I know where to find the carotid artery, and even such a slight puncture as my timorous hand could make would set my spirit free!

The law requires that the combatants should both wear an iron protection over the eyes, lest the loss of sight should render the student useless for military service. To protect life also, a heavy silk scarf bandage is placed round the throat, completely protecting the jugular vein and the carotid artery.

When the disease commences in the pre-auricular or submaxillary glands, it tends to spread to those along the carotid sheath: when the posterior auricular and occipital glands are first involved, the spread is to those along the posterior border of the sterno-mastoid.

Sale reports the case of a girl of nineteen, who fell on a china bowl that she had shattered, and wounded both the right common carotid artery and internal jugular vein.

Saniel, behind the chair, had taken the knife in his right hand, while he pressed the left heavily on Caffies forehead, and with a powerful stroke, as quick as lightning, he cut the larynx under the glottis, as well as the two carotid arteries, with the jugular veins. From this terrible wound sprang a large jet of blood, which, crossing the room, struck against the door.