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Updated: January 7, 2025
He fell almost perpendicularly 170 feet, fracturing the right frontal sinus, the left clavicle, tibia, and fibula. In five months he had so far recovered as to be put on duty again, and he served as an efficient soldier. There is an account of recovery after a fall of 192 feet, from a cliff in County Antrim, Ireland.
'The muzzle more or less shortened, the frontal sinus enlarged, and the cranium elevated and diminished in capacity. At the head of this inferior or brutal division of dogs stands The round, thick head, turned-up nose, and thick and pendulous lips of this dog are familiar to all, while his ferocity makes him in the highest degree dangerous.
Miles away, Nuwell slowed the groundcar as it approached the lip of that precipitous slope bordering the short canal which connects Juventae Fons with the Arorae Sinus Lowland. He consulted a rough chart, and turned the groundcar southward. A drive of about a kilometer brought them to a wide descending ledge down which they were able to drive into the canal.
'Then said they, We will restore them. This promise was followed by a very curious act on the part of Nehemiah. 'I shook my lap. The lap is what the Latins called the sinus, a fold in the bosom of the tunic, which was used as a pocket. Eastern-like, Nehemiah used a sign to show what will happen to any man who shall break the promise he had just made.
It was found by Beck of Chicago that the injection of bismuth paste is frequently followed by healing of the sinus, and that, if one injection fails to bring about a cure, repeating the injection every second day may be successful. Some caution must be observed in this treatment, as symptoms of poisoning have been observed to follow its use.
A vegetable secretion and concretion is thus produced on oak-leaves by the gall-insect, and by the cynips in the bedeguar of the rose; and by the young grasshopper on many plants, by which the animal surrounds itself with froth. But in no circumstance is extra-uterine gestation so exactly resembled as by the eggs of a fly, which are deposited in the frontal sinus of sheep and calves.
The rebellion, however, was not wholly crushed by the destruction of its author, Amorges, a bastard son of Pissuthnes, continued to maintain himself in Caria, where he was master of the strong city of Iasus, on the north coast of the Sinus Iasicus, and set the power of Tissaphernes at defiance.
The epithelioma originates at the skin orifice of the sinus, and spreads to the bone and into its interior, where the progress of the cancer is resisted by dense bone, which obliterates the medullary canal. Although its progress is slow, the infiltration of the bone is usually more extensive than appears externally.
The iron struck against the left side of the face, immediately anterior to the inferior maxillary and passed under the zygomatic arch, fracturing portions of the spheroid bone and the floor of the left orbit; it then passed through the left anterior lobe of the cerebrum, and, in the median line, made its exit at the junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures, lacerating the longitudinal sinus, fracturing the parietal and frontal bones, and breaking up considerable of the brain; the globe of the left eye protruded nearly one-half of its diameter.
These may lodge in distant parts, and give rise to secondary foci of suppuration pyæmic abscesses. Clinical Features. Infective phlebitis is most frequently met with in the transverse sinus as a sequel to chronic suppuration in the mastoid antrum and middle ear.
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