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"Some evil has befallen; tell me!" she said, wasting no time in greeting. "No. Nothing evil," Blake assured her. "Our friend has made a terrible discovery," said Vittoria, in a faint voice. "I cannot believe I want you to hear, carina." She motioned to Norvin. "I have been seeking our enemy, Belisario Cardi, and I have found him." Oliveta cried out in fierce triumph: "God be praised!

"Cardi would scarcely come to a wedding feast," said Blake, with a certain feeling of uneasiness. "Scarcely," the overseer agreed. "Have you seen anything?" "Nothing." "Where is Ippolito?" Ricardo grunted. "Asleep in the stable. The imbecile is drunk." To the American these Sicilian people looked very much alike.

"Martel is " His knees sagged and he would have pitched forward had not the soldier supported him. "We met them in the woods. Cardi " "Cardi!" echoed the Colonel in a harsh voice. "Cardi!" came from a dozen frightened throats. The Donna Teresa uttered a second shrill cry, and then through the ranks of staring, chalk-faced peasants the Countess came running swiftly. "Cardi!" she cried.

It was not until they were well on their way that Norvin thought to mention the letter, which he had wished to see. "Oh, yes, I meant to show it to you," said Donnelly. "But there's nothing unusual about it, except perhaps the signature." "I thought you said it was anonymous." "Well, it is; it's merely signed 'One who Knows." "Does it mention an associate of Narcone a man named Cardi?" "No.

He may even now be on his way to purgatory." Blake stared at the speaker, for he could not credit the words. Once more he asked: "But where? Where?" "Where, indeed? If I had known in time where this Cardi lived I would have knocked at his door some evening with the hilt of a knife. But he was never twice in the same place. He has the ears of a fox.

It seemed very natural, after all, that she should be there instead of in Europe, for Cardi and his lieutenant, having found Sicily too hot to hold them, had doubtless joined the tide of Italian emigration to America, that land of freedom and riches whither all the scum of Europe was floating.

"There is no mistake," he mumbled." He is Cardi. I know it. "Wait, wait; don't tell me." She went groping uncertainly to the door. "Don't tell me yet." A moment later he heard her call: "Oliveta! Come quickly, sorella mia. A friend. Quickly!" Oliveta recognizably the same girl that he had known in Sicily entered with her black brows lifted in anxious inquiry, her dark eyes wide with apprehension.

All the Heads have been warned that we yield this night to the Austrians. Gentlemen, I cannot be more explicit. I wish that I could please you better. 'Oh, by all means, said Pietro Cardi: 'but patience is the pestilence; I shall roam in quest of adventure. Another quiet week is a tremendous trial.

He had become so accustomed to the mysterious letters by this time that he had grown to look for them as a matter of course, and he was not disturbed when, on arriving at his office, he found one in his mail. Heretofore the writer had been positive in his statements, but now came the first hint of uncertainty. "I cannot find Belisario Cardi," he wrote.

So long as Cardi is at liberty you must not return; the risks are too great for all of us. As Oliveta learns the truth I shall advise you. Poor girl, she needs me tonight. Come!" She led him through the house, down a stairway into the courtyard, and directed him into a narrow passageway which led out to the street behind. "Even this is not safe, for they may be waiting."