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"I'm afraid we'll have a time of it before we change 'em off for merchantable tobacco. Here, you Cappy," he said to one of the older convicts. "Look here! Don't you tell anybody to-day that you're a seaman. They'll swear you are a pirate, and that you'll be off with one of their country sloops, and go a-blackbearding it down the coast. You're to be a schoolmaster to-day."

He banked on human nature, and if curiosity isn't a human trait then I'm a Chinaman. Overboard with you, and away before the old girl goes under or we'll be sucked down in the vortex." And overboard they went, to be picked up five minutes later by Terence and Cappy in the motor lifeboat. "You were right, Mr. Ricks," cried Murphy as he scrambled into the boat. "Curiosity killed the cat!"

"Well, it does appear to me kind of foolish for a man with an income of more than eleven hundred dollars a month to be going to sea as second mate of a dirty little steam schooner at seventy-five dollars a month." "Well, I can hardly blame you," said Cappy gently. "I suppose I'd feel the same way about it myself if I stood in your shoes." "I'm sure you would," Matt replied.

Can stand injury, but not insult. Hence you are stuck with us for another voyage, whether you want us or not. Will have towed out by time you receive this. Go to Halifax! Peasley. Mr. Skinner's face was cold and austere as he handed this telegram back to Cappy. "So you made peace with honor, eh?" he sneered. "Peace your grandmother!" Cappy chirped.

I'll just wait one week and by that time she'll bring half a million. At that I hate to sell, but I've got to. I figure a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." "Why have you got to?" Cappy shrilled. "You're crazy! You don't have to." "But the next payment will come due on her before I receive any charter money from the Steel people, and that will clean me for fair. I can't help myself.

About the same time Matt Peasley commenced to wonder also, but forbore to mention the subject to Cappy. Instead, he went down to the Red Stack people and got himself a job skippering a tug; and great was his joy thereat, for the wages were fully as good as he had enjoyed on the Quickstep, and he was enabled to spend nearly every night in port.

"Matthew, my dear boy," said Cappy miserably, "this is terrible." "I think we should take the matter up immediately with the State Department," Matt replied. "There may be a United States warship in those waters, and she could be instructed by wireless to endeavor to intercept the Narcissus. We can prove a clean bill of health with those cablegrams, and get back our ship."

He sold his interest to his successor for two thousand dollars when he fell into the fortune and five years later he bought it back for three thousand, just so he could have a job again." "Yes," Cappy admitted; "they all get the blue-water fever after they've left blue water.

What's more, I think you've enjoyed it, Matt, and I'm glad you did; but now it's time to get down to business again. I wanted to tell you that the skipper of the Gualala will expect you to be aboard at seven o'clock to-morrow morning." Matt studied the pattern of the office rug a minute and then faced Cappy bravely. "I'm obliged to you, Mr.

In any other line of human endeavor he would have been called Pappy he was that type of man. Cappy Ricks had so much money, amassed in the wholesale lumber and shipping business, that he had to engage some very expensive men to take care of it for him.