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The "initial" course may be placed on the table before dinner is announced or may be served after. If, however, you serve cocktails in the drawing room with the accompanying caviar or lettuce sandwiches, or if you serve a canape, do not repeat the latter as the opening of the dinner.

In front of them was a canape and over it were flung, pell-mell, a gown of silk, a heap of lace-like garments, white and delicate as spiders' meshes, long, crumpled gloves, and, on the floor beneath, the stockings, the little pointed shoes, and one garter of rosy silk, quaintly flowered and fitted with a silver clasp. Wondering, he stepped forward and drew the heavy curtains from the bed.

The suite of furniture for the state apartment of a prince or wealthy nobleman comprised a canapé, or sofa, and six fauteils, or arm chairs, the frames carved with much spirit, or with "feeling," as it is technically termed, and richly gilt. The backs and seats were upholstered and covered with the already famous tapestry of Gobelins or Beauvais.

It consists of oysters, a canape, a fruit cocktail, grapefruit or something else of the same kind. Oysters on the half-shell are served bedded in crushed ice in a soup plate. This is placed on the service plate. A cocktail is served in a cocktail glass which is placed on a doily-covered plate which in turn is placed on the service plate.

And when she had thus said, she went to the pillar that was at his bed's head, and took his sword and loosed it, and when she had drawn it out, she took his hair in her hand and said: Confirm me God of Israel in this hour, and smote twice in the neck and cut off his head, and left the body lie still, and took the head and wrapped it in the canape and delivered it to her maid, and bade her to put it in her scrip, and they two went out after their usage to pray.

"I know you both, and your droll characters, the time will come when you may know each other, and in any case, I feel that you will both remember that tenue, a recognition of correct behaviour, helps all situations in life, and the rest is in the hands of the Bon Dieu." Then she left us again, and Alathea sat stiffly down upon an uncompromising little Louis XV canapé out of my reach.

"They're coming in now. They'll stop at the hospital to drop Kellogg, and then they're coming here." Nick Emmert nibbled a canape. He had reddish hair, pale eyes and a wide, bovine face. "Holloway must have done him up pretty badly," he said. "I wish Holloway'd killed him!" He blurted it angrily, and saw the Resident General's shocked expression. "You don't really mean that, Victor?"

"Canapé," cried Céleste, pointing to the ottoman. "Joli garçon," bawled out Cupidon, coming up to Newton, and pointing to himself. This created a laugh, and then the lesson was continued. Every article in the room was successively pointed out to Newton, and he was obliged to repeat the name; and afterwards the articles of their dress were resorted to, much to his amusement.

And, isn't it odd, she refuses to allow the doctor to come near her at all!" "Does she? Very odd, indeed!" With another glance at the canapé, Lady Clifford turned towards the doctor. "What do you think one ought to do, doctor?" she inquired. "She can't stay here, naturally. Don't you think one should try to get her into some really safe place, where she could be properly looked after?"

Some, no doubt, would have preferred to have been true to themselves. But his desire remained intention, largely. For his method was a trifle childish. He conceived it as a lying on couches amid cushions, sniffing Orient perfumes in scent-bottles. He did not realize that the couch was the comfortable German canapé, the cushions the romantic style of Weber and the early Wagner, and that through the