United States or Lebanon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He knew that the bubble of his poor foolish life had burst, and that there was nothing left for him but to die. It seemed about this time as if the end of all was very near. Then it was that a woman's hand was held out to save him, and a woman's divine tenderness cared for him in his dire extremity.

"I saw him go in, and he looks thinner and more horrid than ever. I am sure he wants a dollop of blood from somebody." "I shouldn't wonder." "Now there is Mrs. Philpots, you know, sir; she's rather big, and seems most ready to burst always; I shouldn't wonder if the vampyre came to her to-night." "Wouldn't you?" said Mrs.

Having done this, he directed one of the ladies to gird on his sword, which she did with great self-possession and gravity, and not a little was required to prevent a burst of laughter at each stage of the ceremony; but what they had already seen of the novice knight's prowess kept their laughter within bounds.

After a time her husband burst into her room, and insisted that she should see them. "Why," exclaimed he, "you are insulting the greatest men and the noblest women of Poland! More than that, there are some of the most distinguished Frenchmen sitting at your doorstep, as it were.

"Martha," she said, solemnly, "I'm afraid you've done wrong in taking that sailor man." "Why, Rachel?" "He's a strange man." "I don't see anything strange about him," said Jack. "He spoke to me about having a beau," said Aunt Rachel, in a shocked tone. Jack burst into a fit of hearty laughter. "Perhaps he's going to make you an offer, Aunt Rachel," he said.

The vanguard had scarcely got upon the causeway when canoes shot out upon the lake, and soon a storm of stones and arrows burst upon the column. More and more terrible did it become, as fresh canoes, crowded with the warriors, came up. Many of these pushed up to the causeway itself; and the natives, landing, fell upon the Spaniards with fury. The latter made no stay.

"Yes, uncle," cried Tom eagerly, for there was something in his uncle's tone, stern as it sounded, that was like a friendly grasp of the hand, and turning towards him, in quite an excited burst, he cried, "Then you don't think I did it?" "Of course not, my boy. What have you ever done that I should doubt your word?"

The war cloud that burst upon the country in 1861 was no surprise to sagacious observers. For many years it had been visible, at times a mere speck in the sky, again growing larger and more angry in appearance. It would disappear, sanguine patriots hoped forever, only to come again, full of dire portent and evil menacings.

Sunrise awoke him, and he sat up with a feeling of deep thankfulness, as he basked once more in its warm rays and observed that the sky above him was bright blue. But other feelings mingled with these when he gazed round on the wide waste of water, which still heaved its swelling though now unruffled breast, as if panting after its recent burst of fury. "Ho! Cuffy what's that?

It was true enough; for, before the officer could get within dart of him, he commenced his dying struggles. The sea was crimsoned with his blood. By the time we had reached him, he was belly up. We lay upon our oars a moment, to witness his last throes, and when he turned his head toward the sun, a loud, simultaneous cheer, burst from every lip. Mr.