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He didn't like to have Dion called a "Spartan savage," nor a "bumpkin" either, but he knew very well Spartans might expect scant courtesy in Athens, so he said nothing, but he rose from his corner at once and, telling the children to follow, started after the crowd.

Le Gallais was Marguerite's acknowledged lover, the person who would benefit by the removal of a fascinating dog like Elliot a formidable rival, as he flattered himself such as he must be to a bumpkin officer of militia. How Le Gallais could have learned the fact of his having a wife in France might be a harder question, but it was one that was not material.

The men dispersed without remark, ashamed of themselves, and admiring the bumpkin most of them were gentlemen enough for that; while each of the combatants retired unaccompanied to his own lodging Alec with a black eye, which soon passed through yellow back to its own natural hue, and Beauchamp with a cut, the scar of which deepened the sneer on his upper lip, and was long his evil counsellor from the confessional of the mirror.

We met a train of cars with a regiment or two just starting for the South, and apparently in high spirits. Everywhere some insignia of soldiership were to be seen, bright buttons, a red stripe down the trousers, a military cap, and sometimes a round-shouldered bumpkin in the entire uniform.

Take your cane and whip him out positively you cannot fight this bumpkin." "None the less I mean to shoot him like a cur, Dalton." And Mr. Chichester drew a pistol from his pocket, and fell to examining flint and priming with a practised eye. "I should have preferred my regular tools; but I dare say this will do the business well enough; pray, snuff the candles."

Sheer horror of the situation took away Darsie's breath; she stood stock still in the middle of the floor, felt her lips gape apart, the crimson rush to her face, saw in a mental flash a vision of the country bumpkin she must appear just for a moment, then Aunt Maria's voice said, in even, equable tones "Ah, here she is! Darsie, these are my young friends of whom I have spoken.

MIRABEL: Then 'tis possible he may be but half a fool. By evident preparation. This is a sort of wit one remembers to have heard at school, of a brilliant outsider; perhaps to have been guilty of oneself, a trifle later. It was, no doubt, a blaze of intellectual fireworks to the bumpkin squire, who came to London to go to the theatre and learn manners.

Bentley Upham was a year ahead and had a good standing, but he felt a little jealous of the young country fellow "bumpkin" he would have liked to call him, but he was not that. A young man received at Mr. Giles Leverett's, and who sometimes escorted Mrs. Stevens to an entertainment, was not to be ignored.

Faith, me lambs, ye'll learn that I speak true." As Mr. Jack MacKenzie used to put it in his peppery reproof, I always did have a knack of tumbling head first the instant an opportunity offered. This time I had gone in heels and all, and now came up in as fine a confusion as any bashful bumpkin ever displayed before his lady.

That gentleman faintly defended the stranger for the intrusion of the bumpkin tune. "She did it so well!" he said. "I complain that she did it too well," uttered Cornelia, whose use of emphasis customarily implied that the argument remained with her. Talking in this manner, and leisurely marching homeward, they were startled to hear Mr.