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Bumble with great difficulty raised him, which, as soon as she had done, he hobbled up to Henrietta, took me from her by force, and barbarously cut off near half an inch of my tail with a pair scissars. Henrietta burst into tears, Mrs. Bumble began scolding him, when a servant came in, whom she desired to go to Crooked-lane, and procure one of the very best cages that could be got.

"Betsy Butterfly thinks the fellow is a cousin of Buster Bumblebee's," said Chirpy Cricket. "But I've noticed that he and Buster are never together. Let's ask Buster to come over to the meadow so that he may meet this cousin of his! And then perhaps we'll learn something more about Joseph Bumble than we know now." Everybody said that that was a good plan.

Meanwhile there were others among Betsy Butterfly's admirers who became very peevish on observing how much time Betsy and the newcomer in the neighborhood, Joseph Bumble, were spending in each other's society. And they agreed among themselves that something ought to be done to put an end to the upstart Bumble's boasting.

Hero might almost have swum across. Even Mr. Brownsmith of Eastchepe might rig a craft out of an empty sugar hogshead, set up his walking-stick for mast, tie his pocket-handkerchief to it for sail, and trust to the waves in safety that is, if Mr. Brownsmith of Eastchepe had in him the heart of Raleigh, not of Bumble. Some men are born to be drivers of tram-cars, some to be captains of corsairs.

The old gentleman rabbit spent a few days in an old burrow next to the bumble bee's house, and then one morning, when the sun was shining brightly, he started off again to seek his fortune. "I never can thank you enough," he said to the bee, "for going after the sparrow children and saving me from the exploding sky-cracker. If ever I find my fortune I will give you some of it."

When Patty's opinion was asked, she said she would be delighted to go away for a vacation, and that she had the place all picked out. "Well, you are an expeditious young woman," said her father. "And where is it that you want to go?" "Why, you see, papa, the 1st of September, when Bob and Bumble go home from here, Nan isn't going back with them; she's going down to Spring Lake.

My! how Uncle Wiggily did run. And the wolf ran also, and he was catching up to the rabbit, and probably would have eaten him all up, but just then a kind bumble bee who knew Uncle Wiggily flew off a tree branch and stung that wolf on the end of his nose.

"Well, the horticulture department can be made very humourous, as well as lucrative. At this fair I went to, the ladies had a beautiful table full of pin-cushions and other gimcracks, in the shape of fruits and vegetables." "Oh, yes," said Bumble, "I know how to make those. I can make bananas and potatoes and Nan can make lovely strawberries."

Bumble, approvingly; 'so very domestic. 'Oh, yes! rejoined the matron with enthusiasm; 'so fond of their home too, that it's quite a pleasure, I'm sure. 'Mrs. Corney, ma'am, said Mr. Bumble, slowly, and marking the time with his teaspoon, 'I mean to say this, ma'am; that any cat, or kitten, that could live with you, ma'am, and not be fond of its home, must be a ass, ma'am. 'Oh, Mr.

"He's the nephew of our next-door neighbour," said Patty; "and he's spending his vacation with his aunt." "He's a jolly all-round chap," said Bob. "Yes, he's just that," said Patty. "I thought you'd like him. You'll like all the young people here. They're an awfully nice crowd." "I'm so glad to see you again," said Bumble, "I don't care whether I like the other young people or not.