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"Oh, bromidic Miss Smith! Drink your wine, please. And do not look doubtfully upon that sandwich. My man knows how to build them." His man did. The sandwich was manna. The wine evidently came from heaven. "Now you have a color. I say, is Morenas going to do you, too?" "Good gracious, no! But he has sketched Alicia a dozen times at least." "And me," said Mr. Jelnik, gloomily.

"I'm twenty-four, you know." "Really? It doesn't seem possible!" "I was eighteen when you went away. And that's nearly six years ago. Time flies, doesn't it?" She smiled at her bromidic remark, and sat down; but he did not reply, "Gil," she said at last. He looked up. "Why didn't you come to see me before I went away?" "I don't know. I suppose "

What such artists have done histrionically, Hillaire Belloc has done exquisitely for literature in his "Story of Manuel Burden." This tale, affecting to be a serious encomium upon a middle class British merchant, shows plainly that all satire is, in its essence, a sulphitic juggling with bromidic topics.

In that ideal future state in which all the world-parts are assembled and perfectly coordinated into one vast self-governing machine, I hope that California will be turned into a great international reservation, given over entirely to poets, lovers and honeymoon couples. It is too beautiful to waste on mere bromidic residential or business interests. So much for the State of California.

"Yes, I am growing inside," I assured myself as I for the second night fell asleep on the soft bosom of my family tradition of four posts. One of the most bromidic performances that human beings indulge in anywhere from their thirty-fifth to eightieth years is to sigh, look wise, and make this remark: "If I could only begin life over again, knowing what I do now!"

In five minutes more, he put away his manuscript, picked up his watch, and strolled back into the sitting-room. Nicolovius was sitting where he had left him, except that now he was not reading but merely staring out of the window. He glanced around with a look of pleased surprise and welcome. "Ah-h! Did genius fail to burn?" he asked, employing a bromidic phrase which Queed particularly detested.

I can only feel it." Alarmed by this time, Kenny came turbulently into the conversation and abused John Whitaker for his son's defection. Brian, it was plain, had been decoyed by bromidic tales of cub reporters and "record-smashing beats." He contrasted art and journalism and found Brian indifferent to his scorn.

Duncan laughed shortly and tilted back in his chair, selecting another cigarette. "And you're the chap who wanted me to go to some bromidic old show to-night! Harry, you're immense. Why didn't you ever let me suspect you had all this romantic imagination in your system?" "Imagination be blowed, son. This is business." Kellogg removed the stopper from the decanter and filled both glasses again.

"Bromidic," he said triumphantly, after an instant's pondering. "You can never under any circumstances be that, and I shall develop your imagination and artistic temperament at the same time. Miss King is selfish to wish to keep you from cultivating yourself for the purpose of furnishing her entertainment.

What boy of ten will wear a collar different from what his school-mates are all wearing? He must conform to the rule and custom of the majority or he suffers fearfully. But, if he has a sulphitic leaven in his soul, adolescence frees him from the tyrannical traditions of thought. In costume, perhaps, men still are more bromidic than women.