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They belonged to Taylor's Brigade, lying in the woods to either side of the pike. The Stonewall passed them, still figures, against the dawn. Ahead lay Strasburg, its church spires silver-slender in the morning air. Later, as the sun pushed a red rim above the hills, the brigade stacked arms in a fair green meadow. Between it and the town lay Taliaferro.

Think of something you want immediately say the command of a brigade, or a couple of washers for the lock of a machine-gun and apply to us. The application must be made in writing, upon the Army Form provided for the purpose, and in triplicate. And you must put in all the details you can possibly think of."

Yesterday the brigade had been afoot from dawn till dark. "And we didn't have the fun of the battle neither," remarked Steve, in a savagely injured tone. "Leastwise none of us but the damned three companies and a platoon of ours that went ahead to skirmish 'cause they knew the type of country! Don't I know the type of country, too? Yah!"

Colonel Stuart was found near the landing with two regiments of his brigade, and a small detachment of the Third, the Seventy-first Ohio. The Thirteenth Missouri, temporarily attached to Sherman, which had become entangled with McClernand's command the previous afternoon, and bivouacked at night in his line, was regained. Portions of the Fifty-seventh and Seventy-seventh Ohio still adhered.

We crossed the Rapidan at Jacobs' Ford at midnight, leaving Upton's brigade on the north side as rear-guard, and in another hour the men had thrown themselves upon the ground without waiting to erect shelter tents, and were sleeping soundly notwithstanding the severity of the cold.

But the testimony of all who knew him was to the same effect. Indeed, the gentleness of his nature made him a favorite wherever known. Touching the lessons and hopes of plunder, which his men are said to have received, this scarcely requires any answer. We have seen, and shall see hereafter, the state of poverty and privation in which the brigade of Marion subsisted.

Except for the men working their way up on his left, whom he had already noticed, there was not a man in sight; but the shells were still sailing overhead. At length the party came up, and amongst them was the Colonel of one of the Battalions in the Brigade. The Subaltern immediately asked him for orders. "As far as I can see," said the Colonel, "this hill is a sort of salient in our line.

So completely did it stun her, that for some moments I thought her dead, but to my great joy she shortly recovered her senses. I had the wound carefully dressed by our brigade surgeon, from whose care she came in a month with the edges of the wound so nicely united that the eye could with difficulty detect the scar. This night, as usual, she lay at my side, her head almost touching mine.

Cold Harbor was now mine, but I was about nine miles away from our nearest infantry, and had been able to bring up only Davies's brigade of cavalry, which arrived after the fight. My isolated position therefore made me a little uneasy.

3d Vermont 24 killed, 7 mortally wounded, 56 wounded, 1 missing. 4th Vermont 3 killed, 30 wounded. 5th Vermont 2 killed, 6 wounded. 6th Vermont 11 killed, 77 wounded. Total loss to the brigade, 218.