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"Oh, for a drop of wine," she said to Korableva, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her shirt and sobbing from time to time. "Some booze? Why, of course!" said Korableva. Maslova produced the money from one of the lunch-rolls and gave it to Korableva, who climbed up to the draught-hole of the oven for a flask of wine she had hidden there.

"It is too bad about young Besmith," Janice said, shaking her head. "He is only a boy." "Yep. But a month or so in the woods without drink will do him a heap of good." That very evening, however, Janice saw Jack Besmith in town. From Marty she learned that he did not stay long. "He came in for booze that's what he come for," said her cousin, in disgust.

So then I went huntin' booze that I could git without the hull of Nevada knowin' it in fifteen minutes. An' Casey's got this t' say: When yuh WANT hootch, it's hard t' find as free gold in granite. When yuh DON'T want it, it's forced on yuh at the point of a gun. This jug I stole seein' your business is private, Mr. Nolan.

Mister Simmons, he's Lucien's boss, he says her husband was an awful booze fighter right till he died, and my Pa says there ain't any man yet that's ever been able to win a fight against booze so long as he's willing to let booze get into his inwards. "I guess this letter will make you awful tired, specially if it's a hot day, but there's seems to be so much I'd like to tell you.

We located all the places where booze was sold, and ascertained exactly how much whiskey was disposed of in the town's drug stores for "snake bite" and "stomach trouble." Travers and "The Colonel" and I were half-lit for two weeks.... That was the only way to collect the evidence. I drank but sparingly, as I loafed about the joints and "houses."

A well known minister addressed a mass meeting at his church, his subject being "Police Commissioner Gibson's Remarkable Success and the Disgrace of Having a Mayor Who Fails to Do His Duty." Other preachers delivered sermons extolling Gibson, one of the sermons being advertised as "A Modern Crusader Against Graft, Booze, Boodle and Sin."

It's "near-enough" that crabs us, every time. Look at me! I owned a big store in Kempsey one time. You wouldn't think it to look at me, would ye? Well, an' I didn't booze, either. But it was "near-enough" in the accounts, an' "near-enough" in the buyin', an' "near-enough" in the prices, an' here I am, barely makin' wages worse wages than I paid counter hands cuttin' sleepers.

We was bunkies together a hell of a time, wasn't we, Andy?" "You bet we were." "So you've taken your uniform off, have you? Mighty foolish," said Slippery. "Suppose they nab you?" "It's all up now anyway. I don't intend to get nabbed," said Andrews. "We got booze," said Chrisfield.

At the dam camp Meyers, the assistant chief engineer, and Atkinson, the superintendent, were still awake, smoking and talking in the office. "I smelt enough booze on those fellows who came stringing in here to fill the reservoir," the latter was saying. "Some one's feeding it to them." "Nobody drunk, though." "No. But who's giving it to them and why?

From there, when it was feasible to make a fresh start, they had to be dragged, some blind drunk, the rest blind stupid from their booze. That had been the hardest job of any: keeping the party together. They had only been eight in all a hand-to-mouth number for a deep wet hole.