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I'm glad the big game's off. I'm so contented now I'm getting over-weight, and you'd bilk me again. But what's the matter? Did the bookies get you?" "No; I'll tell you all about it," and Bobby carefully explained the terms of his father's will and what they meant. Mr. Bates listened carefully, and when the explanation was finished he thought for a long time.

You're in a different period, a different society. You're in London suburbs right down to the sea. You'll find no genuine estates left, not of our deep-rooted familiar sort. You'll find millionaires and that sort of people, sitting in the old places. Surrey is full of rich stockbrokers, company-promoters, bookies, judges, newspaper proprietors.

As for Elisha the bookies begin reaching for the erasers the minute they hear his name! You couldn't bet 'em diamonds against doughnuts on that horse. They've been stung too often." "Maybe I wasn't aiming to bet on him," was the mild reply. "Then why put him up against such a hard game?" "Oh, it was a kind of a notion I had. I know it'll be a tough race.

"I didn't say dat, did I? All I said was dat da 'Gink' was for him pulling the bookies. Search me, why. I figures it dat da 'Gink' has split with da bookies and is out to teach 'em to behave." "Then this raid was just what Cummings wanted?" "Dat's it. If it wasn't we wouldn't be gettin' our ten back and ten on top of it.

"Hang illness!" he answered. "My good girl, pull yourself together. Go back. Don't be a blooming fool. Listen it's you they're splitting their throats for yes, you about the most fastidious audience in Europe yelling like a pack of drunken bookies! Gehenna! you're the luckiest woman living. You're made, great heavens, you're made!"

This Seattle is one of the big plungers, his nod's good with the bookies fur anything he wants to lay, 'n' he sure bets 'em to the sky. He owns a grand string of hosses, 'n' when one of 'em's out to win, believe me, he carries the coin!" "All the same they get him at last 'n' there ain't nothin' else talked about fur a couple of days when the word goes 'round that he's cleaned.

I am not prepared to argue that it should be put under regulation perhaps it is best that it should be left to the wild luxuriance of nature but its characteristics and influence are surely worthy of studious observation. It happened to me once to observe in the library of an eminent divine a large heap of that class of works which used to be known as "penny bookies."

Why, me bucko, 'tis me old college chum he is. Come on with me and we'll give him the glad hand. "He grabs Jonadab by the arm and starts along the sidewalk, steerin' a toler'ble crooked course, but gainin' steady by jerks. "'I was on me way to Kelly's place now, says he. 'And here it is. Sure didn't I bate the bookies blind on Rosebud but yesterday or was it the day before?

Probably no one to whom she mentioned the matter thought she contemplated offering up her own life; at most they must have imagined some speech from the Grand Stand, some address to Royalty thrown into the Royal pavilion, some waving of a Suffrage Flag or early-morning placarding of the bookies' stands. Vivie however had been turning her thoughts to horse-racing as a field of activity.

That 'good thing. Well; I knew from the start that he was a 'lobster." Murray flushed up. "Well, any way, I won on Despot for third," he said, "enough to put me ahead on the race, and cover your losing on Grady, Jack. But, Jove, what a harvest the bookies have reaped.