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Campbell immediately looked over her things, and selecting a straw which she herself had worn three years before, she tied a black ribbon across it, and sent it as a present to Mary. The bonnet had been rather large for Mrs. Campbell, and was of course a world too big for Mary, whose face looked bit, as Sal expressed it, "like a yellow pippin stuck into the far end of a firkin."

He rifles Lyons of its choicest silks, the famous productions of Bonnet and Ponson. Holland and Ireland yield him the first fruits of their looms. Belgium contributes the rarest of her laces, and the North sends down the finest of its Russian sables.

Barker, true to instinct, hastened to put on her saddest bonnet, kept in an old chest at the demand of funerals, and with all speed set out for the afflicted home. Margaret was feeding the chickens when this consoling stimulator of grief arrived, and what little sun was left, immediately went down.

Young received her cordially, and as she held the gloved hand, and kindly expressed her pleasure at meeting her daughter's friend, the girl's heart gave a quick bound of joy. "Come upstairs and put away your bonnet." In Louisa's beautiful room the two sat talking of various things till the tea-bell rang. Mr.

I'm quite wild to see Kitty Clark. I'm real jealous of her. She's your best friend, isn't she?" Blue Bonnet hedged. "Kitty's a dear," she said; "and the prettiest girl you almost ever saw but I'm fond of all the girls." Silence fell between them as they walked homeward. Suddenly Blue Bonnet gave a little joyful cry. "Annabel! I know what I'm going to do!

"Can't see nothing," said he, increasing in codfishiness. "She'll be all right in a minute. Give her time to breathe!" Angela gave her time to breathe, but the minute passed, and other minutes limped after. Sealman sweated and grunted under the open lid of the bright bonnet. Angela was sorry for him.

Jane Selden entered Charlottesville at nine in the morning, and did not turn homeward again until the afternoon stood at four. The intermediate hours were diligently used by the small and withered lady in plum-coloured silk and straw bonnet, scarf of striped, apple-green gauze, and turkey-feather fan. She came to town but once in three months, and made of each visit a field day.

They sauntered along, Ada stopping every minute to look into the shop windows, while Jonah, gloomy and taciturn, turned his back on the lighted windows with impatience. Presently Ada gave a cry of delight before the draper's. "I say, Joe, that bonnet would suit the kid all to pieces. An' look at the price! Only last week they was seven an' a kick." Jonah turned and looked at the window.

"Ah, when the cat's away the mice will play." "Exactly. Come and have another turn." Before they could start, however, the awful spectacle of a little dog trotting out of the room with a paper parcel in his mouth, made Polly clasp her hands with the despairing cry: "My bonnet! Oh, my bonnet!" "Where? what? which?" And Tom looked about him, bewildered. "Snip's got it. Save it! save it!" "I will!"

Warner recalled the bitter-sweet of her babble as he heard her sigh gently beside him, her long golden ringlets shading her bent face. His eyes wandered, after their habit, to Anne Percy, who sat across the church, distinguished in that gay throng by bonnet and gloves and gown of immaculate white.