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'This know, that men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, unthankful, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, traitors, heady, high-minded: from all such turn away. Paul. 'Pray, sir, said Academicus, tell me more plainly just what this self of ours actually is. Self, replied Theophilus, is hell, it is the devil, it is darkness, pain, and disquiet.

They count six, and this singer is as good as nothing." "The Hurons are boasters," said Uncas scornfully; "their 'totem' is a moose, and they run like snails. The Delawares are children of the tortoise, and they outstrip the deer."

The inhabitants would of course render no further assistance to the Americans after the ships arrived. The Navy had again decided the fate of Canada, and was soon also to determine that of Lake Champlain. When two hundred troops had landed from the ships, Carleton marched out, "to see," he said, "what these mighty boasters were about."

I've heard long-tongued boasters tellin' how they'd rescued a prisoner from an Indian camp, but I never believed anything of the kind, for it ain't to be done more'n one time in a thousand, an' then you'd have to find a lot of red-skinned idjuts to work on."

Here the traveller remarked how willing are the Somal to study: as usual in this country, any man who reads the Koran and can write out a verset upon a board is an object of envy. The people are fanatic. As usual, they are fearful boasters. Their ancestors turned Christians out of the country. They despise guns.

Bunyan says, 'Your great ranting, swaggering, roysters'; this is modernized into 'Your ranting boasters. Then followed, the Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ. This was frequently reprinted, and hundreds of thousands have been circulated to benefit the world. His popularity increased with his years; efforts were made, but in vain, to steal him from his beloved charge at Bedford.

And since they thought not fit to hold the Deity in acknowledgment, God abandoned them to a reprobate mind, to practise deeds unbecoming; replete with all injustice, whoredom, wickedness, covetousness, villany; full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, evil habits; whisperers, backbiters, God-haters, contumelious, insolent, boasters, inventors of wicked practices, disobedient to parents, unintelligent, unfaithful to engagements, unnatural, implacable, unmerciful: who, though they know the righteous judgment of God, that they who live in such practices are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also find pleasure in the company of those who live in these practices.

"And so," said she, "I drove home your Green Man to dry him; he was wet through and chattering; the man was exactly like a skeleton wrapped in a sponge, and if he escapes a cold he must be as invulnerable as he boasts himself. These athletes are terrible boasters." "They climb their Alps to crow," said Clara, excited by her apprehension that Mrs.

Now he was the ancestor, fitting out his ship: "No, you can't come! A man who is a malingerer on the London docks would be a malingerer on the Spanish Main. I don't want bullies and boasters. Let them stay at home to pick quarrels in the alleys and cheer the Lord Mayor's procession!" Now his frigate was under full sail, sighting the enemy: "Suppose they have two guns to our one!

"'Tis not like thee so to lose thy wits, Roxholm," Warbeck said, his hand on his arm, "but thou hast lost them this once surely. 'Tis no work for the sword of a gentleman pinking foul-mouthed boasters in a coffee-house. Know you who he is?" "Damnation, No!" thundered Roxholm, striding on more fiercely still. "'Tis the new dandy, Sir John Oxon," said Warbeck.