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Fish to the number of five having fallen into our clutches, we stood by and watched the rest. Most of them leaped gloriously to liberty. Some ignominiously wriggled. Others remained in the pool, their nerves so shattered by bluster and assault that they had not the melancholy courage to slip away.

We could distinguish footsteps and voices through the bluster, and then a struggle in the shrubbery, and a thud, and a groan, and then a roar of wind, half drowning the sound of flying footsteps and then an awful pause, and at last faint groaning, and a bump, as of some poor wounded body falling against the house.

I shall go bring her golden apples on the morrow. Scents she has had o' me; French gowns, Southern fruits. No man nor wench shall say I be not princely His boasting bluster died away before her silence.

Malvey tossed a coin on the bar noisily, and in that one act Pete read him for what he was a man who "bullied" his way through life with much bluster and profanity, but a man who, if he boasted, would make good his boast.

His visitor stared at him for a moment, as if at some strange phenomenon, and then fell back into self-command, without attempting bluster. "Colonel, you are a 'cure, as we call it on our side of the herring pond. What have I done to 'riz your dander, as you elegantly express it here?" "Britisher, nothing. You know no better. It takes more than that to put my back up.

He could bluster and threaten, and even carry his threats into execution with a confident swagger that had more of magisterial pride and the pomp of property in it, than a sense of either light or justice.

The real test began when the Coroner, with a certain bluster, which may have been meant to attract the attention of the jury, now visibly waning, or, as was more likely, may have been the unconscious expression of a secret if hitherto well concealed embarrassment, asked the witness whether the keys to his father's front door had any duplicates. The answer came in a decidedly changed tone. "No.

Jones, overborne by a calm authority against which he could not bluster, turned on his heel muttering some surly assent. Carver slightly smiled as he watched the square and clumsy form expressing in every line of its back the futile rage of an overborne coward, and, turning toward the companion way, he called, "Howland, John Howland, a word with thee!"

There is nothing of the gentle pattering shower about a rain and wind storm on these elevated plains; it comes on with a blow and a bluster that threatens to take one off his feet. The rain is dashed about in the air by the wild, blustering wind, and comes from all directions at the same time.

It was now the turn of Charras's bullies to bluster. They declared that Charras was the man called Vincent, displayed passports and papers, swore and protested. The Commissary's suspicions were fully confirmed. "Very well," said he, "I arrest everybody." And he handed over Changarnier, Charras, and the four police agents to the gendarmes.