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He shook off his first impression by means of a resort to his customary bluster in such cases. "Now, then, my girl," he said roughly, "I want to know " There came a change, wrought in the twinkling of an eye. The tiny, trimly shod foot of the girl rose and fell in a wrathful stamp. "How dare you!" The clear blue eyes were become darkened with anger.

Because a government, which by its own fault is weak, will try with big words to atone to the public opinion of its people for that which it cannot, or will not, effect in deeds. Bluster, whether measured or intemperate in terms, is bluster still, as long as it means only talk, not act.

"How was I to know that he was going to run in?" said Gymbert, trying to bluster. "He crossed my horse, and it is his own fault if he was in the way of the spear." "One would think that you had no knowledge of woodcraft," said Sighard, with high disdain. "Heard one ever of a mounted man coming in on a boar while a spear on foot was before him?

Bullying is essentially vulgar, and stamps the person who indulges in it as ill-conditioned and stupid. He tries to pass off his lack of brains with bluster, and to make up by tyranny for the contempt which his ill- bred manners would naturally secure for him. But he deceives nobody but himself.

How he exclaimed to Lucchesini on the ambassador's departure how could the King credit him with encouraging the intrigues of a fussy ambassador at Cassel or the bluster of Murat? As for Hanover, he had intended sending some one to Berlin to propose an equivalent for it in case England still made its restitution a sine quâ non of peace.

"In a way, yes. The volcano itself is harmless enough. It smokes unpleasantly now and then, splutters and rumbles as if about to obliterate all creation, but for all its bluster it only manages to spill a trickle or two of fresh lava down its sides just tamely subsides after deluging Leavitt with a shower of cinders and ashes. But Leavitt won't leave it alone.

"That's just what I do mean," returned Trenor, his bluster sinking to sullenness under her look. "Nonsense I don't believe you. I am going upstairs," she said impatiently. He drew unexpectedly aside, letting her reach the threshold unimpeded. "Go up and welcome; but my wife is at Bellomont." But Lily had a flash of reassurance. "If she hadn't come she would have sent me word "

The storm-king put the brook to bed, and threw a great mantle of snow over him; and the brook that had romped and prattled all the summer and told pretty tales to the grass and flowers, the brook went to sleep too. With all his fierceness and bluster, the storm-king was very kind; he did not awaken the old oak-tree and the slumbering flowers.

Perceiving, at a glance, that the 'Pennsylvania' was in no danger, Brown gathered up the big spy-glass, war-club fashion, and ordered me out of the pilot-house with more than Comanche bluster.

"Didn't you, Ham Fishley?" said I, looking him right in the eye. "You know very well that I didn't take that letter." "I know it!" repeated he, trying to bluster; but I saw that it was hard work. "Yes, you know it, if your father don't." "I don't see who could have taken it, if he didn't," added Ham, turning to his father. "Don't you, Ham?" I shouted, in my excitement.