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Along the rail were ornamental columns which supported the upper galleries and looked like beautiful blue-veined white marble; but when he took hold of them to steady himself he found they were only painted wood. There were two galleries above. They ran all around the inside of the building, like the porches of the inn at Coventry, and he could see them across the house.

She seemed still young, but poverty had marked her with unmistakable signs. The white, blue-veined hands that clung to the railing of the pew were thin; and the shirtwaist, though clean, was cheap and frayed. At last she rose from her knees and raised a tear-stained face to his, staring at him in a dumb bewilderment. "Can I do anything for you?" he said gently, "I am the rector here."

I raised myself to see the bust and was spell-bound by the beauty of the bosom, chastely covered with gauze, where blue-veined globes of perfect outline were softly hidden in waves of lace.

"Don't you think we might turn our attention to our own?" She coloured up to her blue-veined forehead. "If you like," she said rather faintly. "Don't you think I deserve that kiss?" urged Bunny softly. "I've been awfully patient." She lifted her lips with a gesture of submission, saying no word. "Oh, not like that!" he said gently. "Not if you'd rather not, dear."

A delicate blue-veined hand lay, upon her knee, and Robert was conscious after ten minutes or so that all her movements, which seemed at first merely slow and languid, were in reality singularly full of decision and purpose. She was not easy to talk to on a first acquaintance. Robert felt that she was studying him, and was not so much at his ease as usual, partly owing to fatigue and mental worry.

Johnnyboy, a moving cloud of white pique, silk, and embroidery, had just turned the corner of the veranda. He did not speak, but as he passed raised his blue-veined lids to the orator. The look of ineffable scorn and superiority in those beautiful eyes surpassed anything I had ever seen.

Philip Demarest was a large, portly man, with a ruddy, red face, blue-veined and kindly. He had come up from the grade, and was eminently proud of his successful climb. For thirty minutes he refused positively to talk business.

She knew even as she asked the question that Toby was not prepared to give her full confidence, and her own reserve shrank from asking for it. Toby looked up at her with quivering lips. "Oh, you are good!" she said. "I want to be good like you. But I don't feel as if I ever shall be." Maud laid a very gentle hand upon the blue-veined forehead.

There was indeed enough in Hugh Noland's appearance to terrify the girl as he lay before her, wasted and woebegone, his low forehead blue-veined and colourless, his hands blue-veined and transparent, and all his shrunken figure sharply outlined under the thin summer covering of the bed with ghastly and suggestive significance.

Alfred liked the looks of him the first moment, and by way of salutation put up one of his weary, white, blue-veined hands to pull his damp forelock; but Mr. Cope, nodding in answer to Ellen's curtsey, took hold of his hand at once, and softening the cheery voice that was so pleasant to hear, said, 'Well, my boy, I hope we shall be good friends. And what's your name?