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It opens upon a central room adorned with German prints of Scriptural subjects Mariahilf, for instance, all gaudy colour and gilt spangles. On each side of this piece are sleeping-rooms. The furniture of the five is exceedingly simple a standing bedstead, a table, and a few wooden chairs. But Ahin Blay is a civilised man who strews his floors with matting, and has osier fauteuils from Madeira.

Nothing of the kind. After a hearty lunch he rose and said firmly: "I'm going to blay wiz Bollyooly." He went. The baron followed him gloomily. Now he knew the cosmic all to be a mere time-honored cheat. In this order they came down on to the beach and approached a group of children in which Pollyooly reigned.

'I am a bid of a dogtor, said Darco; 'led me veel your bulse. Goot goot, ant your demberadure is normal. It is now begome your business to ead and trink. He waddled across the room, and came back with a tin of jelly and a spoon, and fed the invalid 'That is enough, he said, after the fifth spoonful. 'Liddle and often; that is the came to blay.

This does them honour, as some of the establishments lay within handy distance of the ferocious black barbarians. The native chiefs, especially 'King Blay, proved themselves able and willing to aid us in whatever difficulties might occur. The kingdom of Gyáman further showed that it can hold its own against shorn Ashanti, or rather that it is becoming the more powerful of the two.

"Meess Norvell," and Albrecht stood rubbing his hands and smiling genially, "at Gilchrist we are pilled to blay for dwo nights, und der second blay vill be der 'Man from der Vest' you know dot bart, Ida Somers?" "Yes," she acknowledged, "I am perfectly acquainted with the lines, but who is to play Ralph Wilde?" "Mister Mooney, of course.

At lunch he informed his royal charge of the coming of his august sire, and told him that he must stay at home to welcome him. "I go do blay wiz Bollyooly," said his young charge stolidly. "You vill nod go," said the baron firmly. His young charge said no more; he only looked at his beaming preceptor with eyes cold with the steeliest contempt. The baron failed to grasp the purport of the look.

The inner door had been made so that he could roll his puncheons straight from the cellar into the distillery, instead of taking them round through the yard. "Aha! thees eies not fair blay, you vant to shvindle your son!" cried the Alsacien. "Do you kow vot you do ven you trink ein pottle of vine? You gif goot trink to ein bad scountrel." "Oh, father!" cried David.

But one morning as they came down to the beach he startled the baron by saying: "I want to blay." "Yes, 'ighness, whad shall we blay ad?" said the Baron von Habelschwert uncomfortably, after a little hesitation. "I don't want to blay wiz you," said the prince in a tone which showed, beyond any possibility of misconception, that on that matter his mind was made up.

The first execution that ever took place there was that of Sarah Simpson and Penelope Kenny, for the murder of an infant in 1739. The sheriff was Thomas Packer, the same official who, twenty-nine years later, won unenviable notoriety at the hanging of Ruth Blay. The circumstances are set forth by the late Albert Laighton in a spirited ballad, which is too long to quote in full.

The Ashanti medal, however, was still there; indeed, he wore it round his neck even on the march, when his toilette was reduced to a waist-cloth and a billycock. After discussing palm-wine in preference to trade-gin, we persuaded King Blay, despite all his opposition, that 'time is gold, and that with strange and indelicate haste we must set out early on the morrow for the Izrah mine.