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Thayor stood for a moment in deep thought, reached down into his pocket and took from it a roll of bills. "Hand this to Holt, Billy, and tell him to give it to the poor fellow from me." When Blakeman opened the steel grille for his master at an early hour the day following, the thought uppermost in his mind was the change in Thayor's appearance.

Holcomb, followed by Margaret, who had never left his side since he had determined to go in search of her father, rushed forward, following the waning light from the torches now glimmering far ahead as the trapper leaped on after the old dog. Alice, now left alone with Blakeman and Annette, sat peering into the void, her ears open to every sound.

"'Twas a bit of devil's luck," returned Blakeman, dropping into his native brogue, which he always suppressed in service. "Both birds jumped back of me, but I got 'em." "You're a good shot," declared Billy. "No, my friend," replied Blakeman modestly, "I used to be a good shot; I'm only a lucky shot now. It's not often I make a double. Where have you been?"

"When you know these people of the world as well as I do, my friend," continued Blakeman, as the two seated themselves to rest, "what you've just seen won't rob you of much sleep," and he laid his favourite gun tenderly upon a log. "The very last people in the world women whom you wouldn't suspect are usually the ones. Most of them do as they please if they've enough money."

The scales of the bud of Horsechestnut are considered to be homologous with petioles, by analogy with other members of the same family. In the Sweet Buckeye a series can be made, exhibiting the gradual change from a scale to a compound leaf. By Asa Gray. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor and Co., New York, 1879. Horsechestnut. I. Branch in winter state: a, leaf-scars; b, bud-scars; c, flower-scars. 2.

Blakeman had two absorbing passions one was his love of shooting and the other his reverent adoration of Margaret, whom he had seen develop into womanhood, and who was his Madonna and good angel. At high noon, then, when the silver bell on Alice's night table broke the stillness of her bedroom, her French maid, Annette, entered noiselessly and slid back the soft curtains screening the bay window.

Holcomb saw in him no longer the suave, trained domestic, but a man of intelligence a man with a heart and a wide experience in a world which he as yet knew but little of. "You can count on me," said Holcomb, as he straightened to his feet. Blakeman rested his gun in the hollow of his arm. "We must be going," he said, "or I shall be late for my table. Have you a short cut home in your memory?"

To-day none of these luxuries appealed to the woman seated among the cushions, gazing nervously at the fire. What absorbed her were the hands of the clock, crawling slowly toward five. He did not keep her waiting. He was ahead of time, in fact Blakeman leading him obsequiously through the fragrant conservatory.

"Um!" muttered Thayor. "Can, I get you anything, sir?" "No, thank you, Blakeman. I have just left the Club." "A dinner of twenty, eh?" continued Thayor, as Blakeman disappeared with his coat and hat "our fourth dinner party this week, and Alice never said a word to me about it."

"Don't wait up for me; I may not be in until late my overcoat, Blakeman" and the two passed out into the night. The days added to the doctor's visit were not wholly given to the care of the sick.