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"The body was found near the door as I was pointing out, but it's a funny thing that a small table had been upset apparently, and Bisset tells us that that table stood near the window." "Humph," grunted Simon sceptically. "I'm quite sure of it, Mr. Rattar," said Bisset confidently, looking round from his work of measurement. "No positive proof it was upset," said the lawyer.

Bisset was shown into the laird of Stanesland's smoking room and addressed Mr. Cromarty with a happy blend of consciousness of his own importance and respect for the laird's. "I have taken the liberty of calling, sir, for to lay before you a few fresh datas." "Fire away," said the laird.

Ned smiled for an instant his approval of this prompt plunge into business, and then his face set hard. "It's a most extraordinary thing," said he, "and may strike you as hardly credible, but here's the plain truth put shortly. Yesterday afternoon Miss Farmond ran away." Carrington merely nodded, and he exclaimed, "What! You know then?" "I learned from Bisset this morning." "Ah, I see.

With that the current of his thoughts seemed to change, and when Bisset returned he asked, though with marked hesitation: "Do you think, Bisset, I could do anything for any of them, Mr. Malcolm Cromarty, or er Miss Farmond?" Bisset considered the point judicially. It was clear he felt that the management of the household was in his hands now.

'Yes, replied Louis, 'they had faith in God's protection, and confidence in the holiness of their cause; and it seemed to them that while the struggle was well-nigh hopeless, the blessed martyrs George, Demetrius, and Theodore, came to aid them, and assure them of victory. 'Ha, said Bisset, the English knight, as if speaking to himself, 'I have heard that some saw St.

"Well, if I go to Keldale armed with a card of introduction from you, to make enquiry about the shootings, I think I can undertake to turn the conversation on to other matters without exciting suspicion." "Conversation with whom?" enquired the lawyer sceptically. "I had thought of Mr. Bisset, the butler." "Oh " began Mr. Rattar with a note of surprise, and then pulled himself up.

At the mouth of the Nile, a Genoese galley awaited the king; and, while every eye was strained towards the shore with an anxiety which was not without cause, Walter Espec and Bisset, the English knight, stood on deck in no enviable frame of mind. 'I mislike all this delay, said Walter, more agitated than he was wont to appear.

"Perhaps you think I oughtn't to have gone to a butler about such a thing, but Bisset is practically one of the family and I didn't give him the least idea of what I was after. I simply drew him on the subject of the Cromarty family history and among other things that didn't so much interest me I found that Mr. Alfred Cromarty was never married and seemed to have had rather a gay reputation."

He jotted this down in his pocket book, and then as he was leaving he said confidentially: "You tell me that you think Sir Malcolm is interested in Miss Farmond, though she seemed not so keen on him?" "That was the way of it to my thinking," said Bisset. "And what deduction would you draw from that, sir?"

Nothing was stolen anywhere in the house and there was no papers in a mess like, or anything." "When was he found?" asked Ned. "Seven-fifty this morning, sir," said Bisset. "The housemaid finding the door lockit came to me. I knew the dining-room key fitted this door too, so I opened it and there he lay." "All night, without any one knowing he hadn't gone to bed?"