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She discussed every point with Philostratus as thoroughly as though for a child of her own; and, while the tumult came up from the banquet in the men's rooms, they settled that Berenike herself should conduct the girl to the wife of the high-priest of Serapis, the brother of Seleukus, and there await Melissa's return.

After the attack of which she saw little, because, overpowered by fear and horror, she closed her eyes she had driven home with her lover, where the leech had bandaged his injuries, and Berenike had quickly and carefully transformed her own sleeping chamber into a sick-room. Barine, after changing her dress, did not leave Dion's side.

"I must hasten," he hurriedly began, after eating the lunch which Berenike had ordered while he was talking with the messenger, "but the events of the next few years are hardly worth mentioning. Besides, my time was wholly occupied by my studies in the museum. "As for Cleopatra and Arsinoe, they stood like queens at the head of all the magnificence of the court.

"But," interrupted Gorgias, "no one, not even your hostess Berenike and her brother, must know your destination. You look as if you could keep a secret, woman." "Though she owes her nickname Aisopion to her nimble tongue," replied Dion. "But this tongue is like the little silver fish with scarlet spots in the palace garden," said Anukis.

This unseemly and insulting conduct filled Berenike with the deepest indignation. It must not remain unpunished, and, while waiting for her daughter, she imagined what evil consequences might ensue if Antyllus were forbidden the house and accused to his tutor, and how unbearable, on the other hand, he might become if they omitted to do so.

The lady Berenike's rooms had so far not been intruded on; for Macrinus, the praetorian prefect, who knew Berenike through her brother-in-law the senator Coeranus, had given orders that the women's apartments were to be exempt from the encroachments of the quartermaster of the body-guard. Breathing rapidly and with a heightened color, Melissa at last entered the room of Seleukus's wife.

Meanwhile the voices of the men, who had done eating and were now drinking, came louder and louder into the women's apartments. When the merriment of her guests rose to a higher pitch than usual, or something amusing gave rise to a shout of laughter, Berenike shrank, and either muttered some unintelligible threat or besought the forgiveness of her daughter's manes.

When Dame Berenike had again, and with particular eagerness, suggested her ship, Andreas had exclaimed: "In the garden, on the ship, under the earth only not back to Caesar!"

He was fully persuaded that his own end must be near, if indeed Tarautas were dead. At last he heard Theocritus's voice, and, as he turned to ask him the news, he met a look from the lady Berenike, who had risen to quit the theatre.

If you are willing, my royal mistress, we will greet him from the balcony of Berenike. If we only had " "The twins little Alexander!" interrupted Cleopatra, with blanched face and faltering voice. "Put on their festal garments." "Quick the children, Zoe!" cried Iras, completing the order and clapping her hands.