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The country would get out of its doldrums sooner or later; employment would be easy to find; wages would rise, a little; every one would have his bellyful; and then, some years later, another wave of depression would set in, the bitter strife would be repeated, both parties unlessoned by this or any other experience.

In due time, they will forget how warily their fathers had to walk in the Mahdi's time to secure even half a bellyful; then, as has happened elsewhere. They will honestly believe that they themselves originally created and since then have upheld the easy life into which they were bought at so heavy a price.

Let us once in our lives leave our junketing for a while, and put ourselves in a posture to give 'em a bellyful of fighting, if they would be at that sport. There can be no false Latin in this, said Xenomanes; Chitterlings are still Chitterlings, always double-hearted and treacherous.

But first let's drink, boys. Come on! let us be of good cheer. Noble captain, returned the kitchen tribe, this was spoken like yourself; bravely offered. Huzza! we are all at your excellency's command, and we live and die by you. Live, live, said Friar John, a God's name; but die by no means. That is the Chitterlings' lot; they shall have their bellyful of it.

The blind man was going on feeling his way with his stick, when I heard a voice, as if some one was saying, "O father, I hope all is well; why have you returned so early to-day?" The old man, on hearing this question, replied, "Daughter, God made a youthful traveller have pity on my condition; he gave me a piece of gold; it is many a-day since I have had a bellyful of good food.

His blade flashed and fell. "Pretty stroke!" shouted the Parson, flying the wall. "At em again, sir!" He cut in fiercely on the flank. "Come on, Knapp! That's the style! Bellyful for once! Bellyful for the boy!" "I'm there, sir!" cried Knapp, very brisk and bright. He had flung aside his drum, and was tearing up, wielding his drum- sticks like battle-axes. "Into em!" bellowed the Parson.

'Have they brought provender with them, my lord? asked the marquis. 'Alas, no, my lord, only teeth, answered the governor. 'How stands the hay? 'At low ebb, my lord. There is plenty of oats, however. 'We hear to-day nothing of the round-heads: what say you to turning them out and letting them have a last bellyful of sweet grass under the walls?

The Crow pretended to feed along with the Pigeon, but ever and anon he would turn back, peck to bits some heap of cow-dung, and eat a fat worm. When he had got a bellyful of them, up he flies, as pert as you like: "Hullo, Mr. Pigeon, what a time you take over your meal! One ought to draw the line somewhere. Let's be going home before it is too late." And so they did.

When it rains like this, hollows fill up like the one we just left, and everything within running, hopping, and crawling distance heads for it to get a bellyful of water. In another hour our camp will be like something out of a nightmare, with every animal in the jungle coming down for a drink and starting to fight one another." "Then if we stayed there " Roger stopped.

I am not particular about what I eat, as with me good digestion waits on appetite, and so long as I get a bellyful to use a good old English word I am satisfied. On this particular occasion, with or without a pretty girl at the table, I could have consumed a haggis that greatest abomination ever invented by flesh-eating barbarians I was so desperately hungry.