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So he had sailed away and the colonists were all hopeful, in their silly, simple way, that he would soon return in a great ship and carry them to a land as lovely as a dream, where all their wishes would be fulfilled for the asking, and where each man would have his bellyful of good things without the working for it.

When the Austrian archduke, Maximilian, was foisted upon Mexico as its emperor by Napoleon III., the Southerners, who did not have their "bellyful of fighting" by 1864, more than hinted that they would range shoulder to shoulder with the Federals to try to expel him and the mercenary Marshal Bazaine. But the President returned sagaciously: "One war at a time!"

The French general was an intrepid old fellow, who believed that a general should be near his fighting men. So his headquarters were always being shelled. Then he would not retire, but preferred to descend into the cellar until the evil times were overpast. The despatch rider with Chapman had his bellyful of shells.

"May the memsahib never lack plenty from which to give!" he said, for there is no word for "Thank you" in all India. "I will bless the memsahib at each mouthful!" said Sita Ram. "Truly a bellyful of blessings!" laughed Yasmini. Then they all went to the stair-head and watched and listened through the open door while a closed carriage was driven away in a great hurry.

As the sailors, by this time, were pretty well exhausted with rowing so long in the hot sun, they hailed with great joy the sea-breeze which just then set in. They soon stepped the masts, hoisted the sails, and laid the oars in. "Now go to dinner, men," said the considerate chief, "this rattling breeze will not carry us up far, and you will pull all the better for a good bellyful."

All we want of you fellers is jest to stand up and give us a square fight. We're no grayhounds, to run you fellers down. We came down here to fight, not to trot races with you. "Well, yo'uns'll git yer bellyful o' foutin' over by Tullyhomy," shouted back the prisoners as they were marched away under guard.

"You're talking about tomorrow or next day, Twisty," he laughed, filling his deep lungs contentedly. "I've had a bellyful of mañana-talk here of late. All I'm interested in is tonight." He rattled some loose coins in his pocket. "I've got money in my pocket, man!" he cried, jumping to his feet. "Come ahead. I stake every man jack of you to ten dollars and any man who wins treats the house."

"Yep, guess some men has sure got ’em a bellyful of lead doin’ that." To Drew’s surprise the other was now grinning. "You huntin’ someone?" "No, just lookin’ around." Drew longed to ask some things himself, but hesitated. Frontier etiquette was different from Kentucky custom; it was safer to be quiet when not sure. "Wal, thar’s aplenty to see tonight, right enough.

Your shoulder is bound up; we have dressed you in your clothes again, and it will all be well." At this I began to remember. "And Goguelat?" I gasped. "He cannot bear to be moved; he has his bellyful; 'tis a bad business," said the sergeant-major. The idea of having killed a man with such an instrument as half a pair of scissors seemed to turn my stomach.

Also a Waterspout, which is a Phenomenon very well known to Seamen in the Levant Trade, and reckoned very dangerous. John's Gospel, accounted of great Efficacy in dispersing these Spouts. Woe is me! A Couple of Swingeers from her Double-shotted Guns were a Bellyful for our poor little Speronare, in which there were but Ten Men and a Boy, Passengers included; and we were fain to submit.