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This thing of using the common beggar's trick and the common beggar's shibboleth to put you on your liberality when you were expecting a simple straightforward commercial transaction, adds a little to your prospering sense of irritation. You ignore her reply, and ask again: "How much?" and she calmly, indifferently, repeats: "NACH BELIEBE."

As you are aware, my dear judge, if you will take time to reflect," added Ishmael, turning to Judge Merlin, "Certainly, certainly," replied the latter. "But, Katie, you mentioned Sally and Jim. Is it possible that they also were kidnaped?" inquired Ishmael. "You better beliebe it, honey! 'Cause it's true as gospel, chile! Now I gwine to tell you all about it.

"So he is, den! and he knows it himse'f, too! Yes, you is, you grand vilyun! Ah, ha! 'member how you stood dere cussin' and swearin' and callin' names, and sassin' at me, hard as ebber you could! Oh, ho! I telled you den how it was goin' to be! You didn't beliebe me, didn't you? Berry well, den! Now you see! now it's my turn!" "Katie, be silent!" ordered Judge Merlin in a low tone.

This thing of using the common beggar's trick and the common beggar's shibboleth to put you on your liberality when you were expecting a simple straightforward commercial transaction, adds a little to your prospering sense of irritation. You ignore her reply, and ask again: "How much?" and she calmly, indifferently, repeats: "NACH BELIEBE."

He gave a quick twist at the coat collar that made Reade's head swim. It was some time before the young engineer's head recovered from that sudden confusion and blackness. "Am' yo' gwine beliebe dat yo' kain't wish no kind oh a trick ober on me?" demanded the black man in an injured tone. "Ah nebber seen no odder w'ite man dat had such a ha'd time beliebing w'at Ah done tole him!"

Ef dat happen, den dere's anodder man ready to do fo' Misto Hazelton." "And maybe the second man will get caught, too," suggested Evarts. "Then there'll be two of you with nooses around your necks." "We maybe get cotch', an' put in de jail," smirked Sambo Ebony, "but doan' yo' beliebe nothin' worse happen. Dere ain' many guards at de jail, an' do gang is on de way.

"It ain't true," said Elsy, "my mistis is a born lady, and she wouldn't steal for anyting. I don't beliebe a word ob it." "I don't beliebe neider," replied the old woman, "but for all dat, dey did carry her to prison because dey say she steal money."

And wa'n't dat a perty place to put a Christian 'oman into? Deed, I beliebe I should o' gib up de ghose, if I had had de t'ought to t'ink about myself. But I hadn't. I t'ought only of my poor, dear ladyship up dere 'sposed to de treachery ob dem debbils wid nobody to warn her, nor likewise purtect her, poor dear baby! And when I t'ought of dat, seemed to me as my poor heart would 'a' bust.

He shook his head sadly, and said, "My dear boy, youse de only man aboard dis ship wite man, dat is dat don't hate an' despise me becawse ob my colour, wich I cain't he'p; an' de God you beliebe in bless you fer dat. As fer me, w'at I done tole you's true,'n befo' bery little w'ile you see it COME true.

'Deed I don't beliebe as I can go on wid de story widout somet'ing to s'port me." "So much rum is not good for you, Katie, but I will give you a glass of water," said Ishmael. "Oh, honey, no, don't, please! I don't like water in de winter time, it allers gibs me a cold in the stummick. But rum warms me."