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"Your thought-works are out of kilter, Sis," declared Chet, laughing again. "I'd certainly play Miss Steele off against the menace of Hester Grimes." There was something besides mere sound in Chet Belding's advice, and his sister appreciated the fact. But she did not go bluntly to the other girls and suggest the Red Cross girl for the part of "the dark lady."

Wait a minute, Dick. I'm a sick man, but at that nobody can pull any stunts round here without me." He hobbled along the porch and went into his room. Jim Lash knocked the ashes out of his pipe, and, humming his dance tune, he followed Ladd. In a moment the rangers appeared, and both were packing guns. Not a little of Belding's grim excitement came from observation of Mr. Gale.

"Nell, darling, I must go," said Dick. "I'm a selfish little coward," cried Nell. "It's so splendid of you all. I ought to glory in it, but I can't. ... Fight if you must, Dick. Fight for that lovely persecuted girl. I'll love you the more.... Oh! Good-by! Good-by!" With a wrench that shook him Gale let her go. He heard Belding's soft voice. "Yaqui says the early hour's best. Trust him, Laddy.

Even the most charitable of his schoolmates took this view of Purt Sweet's trouble. His denial of guilt did not establish the fact of his innocence. His inability, or refusal, to explain where he was at the time of the accident on Market Street in front of Mr. Belding's jewelry store made the situation very difficult indeed.

"Certainly what is it? But be quick about it." "I think all is not right at the Widow Belding's. I was over there but now, and a dozen men I did not count them, but " "Heavens! why did I not think of that? Kendall, you take command of these men for a moment. Bolty, you and the three files on the left come with me. Come, Temple, the back way."

Although it was not often expressed, there was a strong attachment between them. "Dad, I don't want you to think me a a baby any more," she said. "I've been insulted." With a specific fact to make clear thought in Belding's mind he was never slow. "I knew something unusual had come off. I guess you'd better tell me." "Dad, I will, if you promise." "What?"

Much to Gale's surprise neither Belding nor Ladd objected to the idea of bringing a padre into the household, and thereby making known to at least one Mexican the whereabouts of Mercedes Castaneda. Belding's caution was wearing out in wrath at the persistent unsettled condition of the border, and Ladd grew only the cooler and more silent as possibilities of trouble multiplied.

After a short, decisive engagement the rebels were dispersed into small bands and driven eastward along the boundary line toward Nogales. It was the destiny of Forlorn River, however, never to return to the slow, sleepy tenor of its former existence. Belding's predictions came true. That straggling line of home-seekers was but a forerunner of the real invasion of Altar Valley.

"Whoever it is you'll knock him out. Sorry I did make a fool of myself, but it's my fixed belief that you come first with Elsie, though perhaps she doesn't know it." Belding laughed in spite of himself. "She certainly doesn't know it yet." "Now tell me about the iron works." "It will be a couple of years before they are finished." Belding's brain began to throb once more.

The younger man looked black, sullen, impatient. He appeared not to have a thought of Belding. He was absolutely blind to the situation, as considered from Belding's point of view. Ben Chase found his voice about the time Belding halted under the trees out of earshot from the house. "Sir, you've insulted me my son. How dare you? I want you to understand that you're "