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Farnham showed him the rear entrance, and saw him walking homeward up the quiet street; and, coming back, found Bolty and Kendall writhing with merriment. "Well, that beats all," said Kendall. "I guess I'll write home like the fellow did from Iowa to his daddy, 'Come out here quick. Mighty mean men gits office in this country." "Yes," assented Bolty.

Bolty Grosshammer was there, and in a very short time some twenty men were in the room. Farnham briefly explained to them his intention. "I want you," he said, "to enlist for a few days' service under my orders. I cannot tell whether there will be any work to do or not; but it is likely we shall have a few nights of patrol at least.

There were two or three men in the place when Farnham entered. He waited until they were gone, and then said: "Bolty, have you two dozen repeating rifles?" "Ja wohl! Aber, Herr Gott, was machen Sie denn damit?" "I don't know why I shouldn't tell you. They think there may be a riot in town, and they tell me at the City Hall that everybody must look out for himself.

"I will meet you here to morrow evening," he said, "and you can get your pistols and sticks and your final orders." The men went out one by one, Bolty and Kendall waiting for a while after they had gone and going out on the sidewalk with Farnham. They had instinctively appointed themselves a sort of bodyguard to their old commander, and intended to keep him in sight until he got home.

Temple; and as for Arthur " At this moment Bolty, having finished the last knot to his satisfaction, rose and touched his prisoner with his foot. "Captain," he said, saluting Farnham, "vot I shall do mit dis schnide?" "They have got the one I dropped from the window?" "Jawohl! on de gravel-walk draussen!" "Very well.

As they reached the door, they saw a scuffle going on upon the sidewalk. A well-dressed man was being beaten and kicked by a few rough fellows, and the crowd was looking on with silent interest. Farnham sprang forward and seized one of the assailants by the collar; Bolty pulled away another.

The man who had been cuffed turned to Kendall, who was standing by to help where help was needed, and cried, "Take me away somewhere; they will have my life;" an appeal which only excited the jeers of the crowd. "Kendall, take him into my office," said Farnham, which was done in an instant, Farnham and Bolty following.

Bolty was tying the arms of one of the ruffians behind him, who lay on the floor on his face. There was no one else in the room. Alice knelt on the floor by her mother and took her in her arms. "You are not hurt, are you, mamma dear?" she said, in a soft, tender tone, as if she were caressing a crying child. "Oh, no!

"Certainly what is it? But be quick about it." "I think all is not right at the Widow Belding's. I was over there but now, and a dozen men I did not count them, but " "Heavens! why did I not think of that? Kendall, you take command of these men for a moment. Bolty, you and the three files on the left come with me. Come, Temple, the back way."