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Higgins was knocked down at once, bounding up like a rubber ball and cheering the man who struck him. "That was a peach, that one!" he roared, and returned the compliment. The man rose, knocked Higgins down again and jumped on him. "Rough and tumble it is!" cried Higgins, and grappled with bear-like arms.

Suddenly he saw her face darken. "Promise!" she demanded almost fiercely, "or I will not abide by my promise to you." "I promise." An expression of relief came into Prudence's eyes, and she stepped towards him and looked up into his face. "Good-bye, George, dearest." The man suddenly clasped her in a bear-like embrace and rained passionate, burning kisses on her upturned lips.

There was nothing about them heavy or bear-like as commonly understood; lightly they swung from bough to bough till they dropped to the ground, and all went off together into the woods. I was much tickled by the prompt obedience of the little Bears. As soon as their mother told them to do something they did it. They did not even offer a suggestion.

"Oh, shut up, Jack," called Bill. "Go about y'r business," he said to Jim, "or I'll take a hand." Jim's face flamed into a wild wrath. His lips lifted at the corners like a wolf's as he leaped the fence with a wild spring and lunged against Bill's breast. The larger man went down, but his great arms closed about his assailant's neck with a bear-like grip.

She remembered the events that followed when Jacques was paid liberally by the boss to make a midwinter journey to the railroad, and the low sound in the night when she awakened to find the girl struggling in the bear-like grasp of the huge lumberjack, and how she fought him off in the darkness with a hatchet while Jeanne fled shrieking into the timber.

Yet and somehow the thought thrilled her it might be, after all, that he was shy; and that playful, bear-like hug was only his boyish way of hinting at the wish in his heart. It might even be that he was secretly in love with her, as she had read of other lovers in books; and that all the time, unknown to her, he was worshiping her beauty from afar.

An' I'll see they gets it all. You, a 'Merican gal, kissed by a hog like that. Here, wipe yer cheeks wi' this overall; guess they'll sure fester if you don't. Ther', that's better," she went on as Joan, choking back her sobs, presently released herself from her bear-like embrace. "It's my own fault," the girl said tearfully. "I ought never to have spoken to him at all. But Mrs.

Pratt was confronting him with lowering brow, a bear-like stoop in his shoulders, and the muttering growl of his voice was again filling the room as Viola appeared upon the great stairway.

As luck would have it, Ricardo was lounging alone on the veranda of the former counting-house. He scented some new development at once, and ran down to meet the trotting, bear-like figure. The deep, growling noises it made, though they had only a very remote resemblance to the Spanish language, or indeed to any sort of human speech, were from long practice quite intelligible to Mr.

I could not help giving her one of my bear-like hugs at this, so well did I know the meaning of that sigh; and there is no telling into what channel our talk would have drifted, only just at that moment Belle Martin, the pupil-teacher, appeared in sight, walking very straight and fast, and carrying her chin in an elevated fashion, a sort of practical exposition of Madame's "Heads up, young ladies!"