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The stranger had not awakened to partake of the soup, and his son had fallen asleep on the ground. Taking two white sheepskins from the heap of sacks in the corner, the old man doubled them up, and lifting the boy's head gently from the slate on which it rested, placed the skins beneath it. "Poor lambie, poor lambie!" he said, tenderly patting the great rough bear-like head; "tired is he!"

He was keenly conscious of the cab's abrupt stopping, of the passing of money between MacNutt and the lean and dripping night-hawk holding the reins, of being half-carried and half-dragged, in the great, bear-like grasp of his captor, across the wet sidewalk, to the foot of a flight of brownstone steps.

Her first feeling was one of apprehension, then love overcame her fears and she ran to him. "Jack!" she whispered softly. "You here?" He folded her in a bear-like embrace, and as she raised her face to him to speak he stopped her with a rain of kisses.

"You like me; don't you, kid?" he remarked at last, and she nodded and looked away. "Sometimes," she admitted, "and then you spoil it all. You must take your arm away now." He took his arm away, and then it crept back again in a rapturous, bear-like hug. "Aw, quit your fooling, kid," he murmured in her ear, "you know you like me a lot.

Bears of the genus Ursus are of no great antiquity in a geological sense, for we have no knowledge of them earlier than the Pliocene of Europe, and even later in America, but fossils becoming gradually less bear-like and approximating toward the early type from which dogs also probably sprung, go back to the early Tertiary creodonts.

Then, leaning swiftly from the wagon, she gathered the nurse into a powerful, bear-like hug, exclaiming, with solemn joy: "You air the woman! I know you by your favorance to your talk. I allowed you would look that fair and tender. Here air the woman, John and Marthy, that restored unto me my sight, and brung me up out of the Valley of the Shadow.

I have said that he reared like a bear, and there was something bear-like if one could conceive a bear which was ten-fold the bulk of any bear seen upon earth in his whole pose and attitude, in his great crooked forelegs with their ivory-white claws, in his rugged skin, and in his red, gaping mouth, fringed with monstrous fangs.

He, therefore, watched his opportunity, at the same time being careful not to allow his opponent to make use of his bear-like crushing grip. This was what Jake was striving for, and he was much worried when he found that he could not carry out the plan which had always proved so effective in the past.

Rockhill, of Maryland, who was the first white man to explore eastern Tibet, describes the large, grisly-like bear of those desolate uplands as having similar habits. However, the grisly is a shrewd beast and shows the usual bear-like capacity for adapting himself to changed conditions.

He sprang from his chair, reached out his powerful hands, caught the girl about the waist, and picked her up in his arms as he might have picked up a child. His great bear-like hug was a monstrous thing to endure, but Helen was more than willing to endure it, as also his kisses, which he rained upon her happy, laughing face. But the girl's sense of the fitness of things soon came to her rescue.