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I am innocent, and want a chance to prove it." What was to be done with the tin box, was the next question. "I will take it over to my house," said Squire Duncan. "I object," said Mr. Beane. "Do you doubt my integrity?" demanded the bank president, angrily. "No; but it is obviously improper that any one of us should take charge of the box before it has been opened and its contents examined.

Tomkins and Luke's Sunday-school teacher. Then he called Luke to testify in his own defense. Luke told a straightforward story the same that he had told before replying readily and easily to any questions that were asked him. "I submit, Squire Duncan," said Mr. Beane, "that my client's statement is plain and frank and explains everything.

There had been a straggling little village by the side of the mountain stream, where the 200th had halted at midday after their long march under a burning sun, at a spot where there was plenty of fresh water, and it was the pot over one of these cooking fires whose lid Tom Jones had lifted off. "On'y wanted to smell what was for dinner," he said. "What have you got, Mother Beane?"

"Yes, mother; of course you do," said the boy. "And love you too; and you love me and father, don't you?" "Why, you know I do," said the boy, laughing, "and Colonel Lavis sent for the tailor this morning, and I was measured for a new uniform like the men in the band." "Bless us and save us!" cried Mrs Beane. "Well, that is handsome of him, but like a drummer, Dick, not with gold lace?"

"My boy Dick!" shouted Mrs Beane, and she rushed out, as torn and bleeding, the boy staggered up between two of the men, and the next minute was surrounded by the officers, but could not speak for exhaustion: but he made signs for water, drank some thirstily, and one of the sentries stated to the Major that he had seen something crawling up towards his post and fired.

"No," said Tom, with another sniff; "he's miles away, along o' them poor wounded chaps we left behind." "I can do nothing, nothing more and he's somebody's bairn!" "Yes," said the boy hoarsely, "and the Frenchies killed 'em, for Joe Beane telled the men as the sight he see was horrid." "Hush!

Digby is frankly deterministic in his description of embryonic development: Take a beane, or any other seede, and putt it into the earth, and lett water fall upon it; can it then choose but that the beane must swell? The beane swelling, can it choose but breake the skinne?

But poor Mrs Corporal Beane was jealous and unhappy jealous because the Colonel made so much of Dick; unhappy on account of the Corporal, whose recovery was very slow. But the Colonel, she owned, behaved very well to her.

"And who is Roland Reed?" asked the president of the bank. "It seems very much like a fictitious name." "It may be, for aught I know," said Luke, "but it is the name given me by the person who gave me the box to keep for him." "State the circumstances," said Mr. Beane. "About two weeks since I was returning from the house of Miss Almira Clark, where I had gone on an errand for my mother.

Some others goe further and alledging or rather indeede abusing some peece of the Scripture, where it appeareth that the faithfull haue leaped and daunsed: they thinke verily that they haue founde the beane in the cake, as though this were a proper couerture & cloke to couer the infection and filthines of their daunces.