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"Sure and sartin," answered Becky, dropping her mutilated courtesy, "I be's glad it be found now, instead of sum days afore, or I might have been vicked enough to let it go with the rest to the pop-shop; and I'm sure the times out of mind ven that 'ere boy was a h-urchin that I've risted the timtashung and said, 'No, Becky Carruthers, that maun't go to my h-uncle's!"

"Look hyar, mister for I s'pose we must call a gentleman `mister' who speaks so fine an' looks so fine, tho' he be's an Injun it's mighty easy to settle who hut the bird. That thing's a fifty or tharabouts; Killbar's a ninety. 'Taint hard to tell which has plugged the varmint. We'll soon see;" and, so saying, the hunter stepped off towards the tree on which hung the gruya, high up.

My pride's up. Pat. Catty. There's maning in your eye, Pat give it tongue. Pat. If you did not hear it, I suppose there's no truth in it. Catty. What? which? Pat. That your son Randal, Mrs. Rooney, is not of your way of thinking about Honor McBride, may be's. Catty. Tut! No matter what way of thinking he is a young slip of a boy like him does not know what he'll think to-morrow.

"There is no mistake," asked Danvers, halting; "an Italian gentleman named Cesarini lodges here?" "Yes, sir, poor cretur I sent for you to come to him for says I to my boy, says I " "Whom do you take me for?" "Why, la, sir, you be's the doctor, ben't you?"

"Well, then I'll tell you plainly," said Madame Beattie, in a cheerful concession, "I didn't have an imitation made. And you're quite within the truth with your silly 'said to be's. For it was said to be lost. Esther said it. And she no more lost it than she went to New York that time to climb the Matterhorn. Do you know Esther?"

Goochy has a strong acquisitive bias, and raises no objections to this vicarious proceeding. She argues: "I doesn't need 'un now, but there be's no tellin'. I may need 'un when I can't get 'un." Occasionally the sailing is not so smooth.

'Bleeged to you, berry much, but when mas'r bought ole Sam for pity, ole Sam feel in his bones that some time he pay Mas'r Hugh; he don't know how, but it be's comin'. Sam knows it. I'm best off here." "But suppose I died, when I was so sick, what then?"

The Corporal, who was not quite certain of his ground here, but who knew that Madeline, at all events, was going to be married to Aram, and deemed it, therefore, quite useless to waste any praise upon her, thought that a few random shots of eulogium were worth throwing away on a chance, and consequently continued. "Augh, your honour 'tis not 'cause I have eyes, that I be's a fool.

But we found the treasure exactly where he said it was buried." Hanz shook his head, and looked with an air of surprise at the speaker. "If I tells you where dat gold und dat tirty shilver be's buried, und you goes dar und finds him, ten I be's asleep, und ton't know what I tells you." "Te gen-tle-man," interposed Gusher, going off into a rhapsody of delight, "is very modest.

If you were to be nice to them now I think they'd appreciate it later. He's rather liberal, and a good fellow." Biggers pricked up his ears. This social journalism was thin picking at best, and he had very few ways of turning an honest penny. The would be's and half-in's who expected nice things said of them had to subscribe, and rather liberally, to his paper.