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I want to live and be happy and for everyone in the world to be happy too." These last remarks were addressed to the form of Mrs. Penticost toiling upstairs with the can of water. The good lady clanked the can down and pulled out the flat tin bath from under the bed before replying, which she did over her shoulder as she was leaving the room. "Aw!" she observed, "I'd be careful if I was you.

I had got a chill, and decided to have a bath as hot as I could bear it. Bath ready could scarcely bear it so hot. I persevered, and got in; very hot, but very acceptable. I lay still for some time.

I went to bed, but, after being in bed a short time, I was not exactly asleep, but thought I saw a scene as if from a play before me. The actors in it were Lord L , in a chair, as if in a fit, with a man standing near him with a red beard. He was by the side of a bath, over which bath a red lamp was distinctly shown.

A few minutes later they were by the hot bath spring, and directly after, to Don's great delight, they came upon Tomati. "I was coming to look for you two," he said. "You had better not go far from the whare. Two of the tribes have turned savage, and are talking about war." Don interrupted him, and told him what they had seen. "So soon!" he said hurriedly.

This was a very usual arrangement in the Atrium of a Roman house with the impluvium in the centre. A crypto porticus would thus be formed on the two longer sides of the bath, but the schola on the east and west ends was open to the sky. Practical experience, either on the completion of this plan, or previously to its entire execution, led to its abandonment.

But the water was so cold they remained in only a few minutes and all were glad enough to hurry back into their clothing. "A cold bath like that goes a good ways," declared Shep. "If a fellow stayed in too long he'd freeze to death." "Why, my back is full of icicles now!" declared Whopper. "Feels as if I had gotten locked in a refrigerator by mistake."

Montague, and get her to give you a warm bath, and tell her from me to prepare some dinner for you. And change every garment you have. This is unpardonable of me. I said 'not for politics! I begin to think I have not a head for anything. But could it be imagined that Crossjay would not move for the dinner-bell! through all that rain! I forgot you, Crossjay. I am so sorry; so sorry!

Job for his part wended his way to the Turkish bath in Buda, and, that he might meet with his brother no more, opened his arteries and bled to death.

"Brothers, do you see yonder, at the foot of the hill, that little structure surrounded by pillars?" "We see it the night is clear!" "That building was formerly a warm water bath. The warm spring lay in the mountain. The bath is reached from the villa by a long underground gallery. The bishop had the stream turned away, and transformed the former bath into a chapel that he consecrated to St. Loup.

"But we ought to do something," said Bunny. "It's so hot " That gave Sue an idea. "We could go paddling in the brook, and get our feet cooled off," said Bunny's sister. "Yes, but we wouldn't be back here in time to get our bread and jam." "That's so," Sue agreed. It would never do to miss "jam-time." "My doll must be hot, too," Sue went on. "I wonder if we could give her a bath?" "How?"