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Even the youngest boy in the school could tell that Drone was foolish. Not even the school teachers would have voted for him. "What about the Conservatives?" asked Bagshaw presently; "is there any talk yet as to who they'll bring out?" Gingham and Mallory Tompkins looked at one another. They were almost afraid to speak. "Hadn't you heard?" said Gingham; "they've got their man already."

A great loss for Maria and the chicks. I suppose you never see Bagshaw. What news are there of him? It is, I fear, useless to write anything about poor Edward except to thank you most heartily for your disinterested kindness to him. I will not bother you about our journey, which was very pleasant and successful.

I was very much surprised. Our senior partner, Mr. Bagshaw, came much earlier than usual, 10.30, to be precise, and sent for me at once. He is a big, fat man; he speaks in short sentences, and breathes hard in between them. At the moment of entering his room I was as certain that I was about to be sacked as I have ever been of anything that I did not really know. I was wrong.

He came to another pause, and then went on again. "That's settled. I'll tell my lady to-night, and I'll tell Galloway in the morning; and I'll fix on the time for starting, and be off to London, and see what I can do with Carrick. Let's see! I shall want to take out lots of things. I can get them in London. When Bagshaw went, he told me of about a thousand.

Golgotha Gingham, the undertaker, came out and admitted that in working for John Henry Bagshaw he'd been going straight against his conscience. He said that right from the first he had had his misgivings. He said it had haunted him. Often at night when he would be working away quietly, one of these sudden misgivings would overcome him so that he could hardly go on with his embalming.

Bagshaw inquired quite patiently what these considerations were. "Well, it's like this, I keep The Reindeer, and the parson he's a teetotaller, not one of those stumping men who think because they drink nothing nobody else ought to, but what I should call broad-minded for a man who drinks nothing but water.

He gave Bagshaw a poke in the ribs, which was received with a very formal, "Sir, I must beg " To Mr. Wrench, junior, he said, "You have not spoken much to-day but you have made amends for your silence d' ye take? Your ham is good, though your tongue is not worth much!" Instead of laughing, Mr. Wrench simpered something about impertinent liberties and satisfaction.

The Burtington XI. seemed to me to take this beginning as a matter-of-course, and started throwing catches to each other without even troubling to applaud Higgs. Lambert walked very slowly from the wickets, and when he got back to us he was smiling in his most magnificently contemptuous manner. "I thought you asked me to play cricket," he said to Bagshaw.

The plural pronoun included his mother. He was intensely celibate. The day ended in a blazing row. In the afternoon Mr. Boom Bagshaw carried off Mabel to view the progress of the Garden Home. While they dallied over coffee at the luncheon table, Sabre was fidgeting for Bagshaw to be gone.

In ten minutes, in this perfectly ordered house, a different gong, a set of chimes, would announce that lunch was ready. The reverberations had scarcely ceased when Low Jinks, although she had caused the reverberations, appeared in his room with a brass can of hot water. "Mr. Boom Bagshaw has not arrived yet, sir," said Low Jinks; "but the mistress thought we wouldn't wait any longer."