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'You might as well try to catch the clouds, sir, said the ostler. 'Gemmen should make up their minds afore they gets down. Alas! so thought the vicar. But it was too late; and, with a heavy heart, he asked the way to the late curate's house. Thither he went. Mr. Luke Smith was just at dinner, but the vicar was, nevertheless, shown into the bachelor's little dining-room.

His father, who kept a chemist's shop near the Panthéon, was not supposed to be very well off, and I had lost sight of him as soon as he had taken his bachelor's degree, and now I naturally asked him what he was doing there. "I am a planter," he replied. "Bah! You really plant?" "And I have my harvest." "What is it?" "Grapes, from which I make wine." "Is your wine-growing a success?"

A man so fortunate as to be jilted or rejected finds his Beloved remaining beautiful and young to him when her husband sees her an unwieldy and wearisome old woman. And when at times he grows sentimental a bachelor's privilege he can feel again the old hopes that he never found false, and see the old perfections that were never disproved.

Near all this Thomas, the eldest son, had installed a little forge, an anvil, a vice bench, in fact everything necessary to a working mechanician, such as he had become since taking his bachelor's degree, from his desire to remain with his father and help him with certain researches and inventions.

'A regular old bachelor's notion, a mere marriage of convenience, thought Harry, who rather resented the idea of the five hundred congenial spirits, in the shape of suitable young ladies. "You are surprised, perhaps, to hear this from me," continued Mr. Henley. "No, sir: for I once before heard you express much the same opinion." "Did you?

You looked rosy and well. You smiled. You drank off the champagne at a single draught. "I can bear it no more. Live on, smile on, and be happy. My ghost shall repine, perhaps, at your happiness with another, but in life I should go mad were I to witness it. "It is best that I should be gone. "When you receive this, tell my uncle to drag the fish-pond at the end of Bachelor's Acre.

He was on the point of throwing it away, in his ill-humour and vexation, when he bethought himself that Tom had referred him to a leaf, turned down; and opening it at that place, that he might have additional cause of complaint against him for supposing that any cold scrap of the Bachelor's wisdom could cheer him in such circumstances, found! Well, well! not much, but Tom's all.

"If you will forgive me for speaking of my private circumstances, Miss Denyer, I should like to tell you that for some years I have enjoyed only a very restricted income; a bachelor's allowance really it amounted to nothing more than that.

"No, no," replied Potts, "on the contrary, there's a very great likeness between you. I saw you were sisters at once. I don't know which is the cleverest or prettiest but perhaps you are the sharpest. Yes, you are the sharpest, undoubtedly, Jennet. If I wished to adopt any one, which unfortunately I'm not in a condition to do, having only bachelor's chambers in Chancery Lane, it should be you.

And so ludicrous did such testimony of common every-day life, of the habits which Strahan would necessarily have contracted in his desultory unluxurious bachelor's existence, so ludicrous, I say, did these homely details seem to me, so grotesquely at variance with the wonders of which I had been reading, with the wonders yet more incredible of which I myself had been witness and victim, that as I turned down the passage, I heard my own unconscious half-hysterical laugh; and, startled by the sound of that laugh as if it came from some one else, I paused, my hand on the door, and asked myself: "Do I dream?