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The little yellow diurnal moth commonly known as "the wanderer" has a partiality for the nectar of the "bachelor's button," as yellow as itself. The morning was gay with butterflies. A "wanderer" poised over a yellow cushion fluttered spasmodically, and remained fixed and steadfast with tightly-closed wings.

She had made the gray-and-rose chintz hangings herself, delighting in each exquisite yard of the fine imported material. "I prefer the green-leaf pattern, it looks so cool and fresh." Martha eyed details admiringly. "This is your bachelor's room, you say, Ellen? Oh, you've put a desk in it! The bachelor will want to stay forever. Who do you suppose he will be?"

I have been, I will not say annoyed, but ruffled. I have much to do, and going into Parliament would make me almost helpless if I lose Vernon. You know of some absurd notion he has? literary fame, and bachelor's chambers, and a chop-house, and the rest of it." She knew, and thinking differently in the matter of literary fame, she flushed, and, ashamed of the flush, frowned.

"There was an old woman 'at home' whom we used to go to tea with when we were children my brother and I," she said; "there were such big bunches of southernwood by her cottage. And bachelor's buttons all round the garden." The brother was dead, I knew, and there were two flattened "buttons" and a bit of withered "old man" gummed into her Bible. "Picked the last day we were out together.

In his oration for the bachelor's degree, he gives me to understand, he will treat of the classical myths, viewed in the aspect of baby stories, and has a great mind to discuss the expediency of using up the whole of ancient history, for the same purpose.

So, being unable to get any of our women to adopt the child, and having an old bachelor's terror of my housekeeper, I have bethought me of certain nuns, holy women, who teach little girls to say their prayers and make lace close by here; and of your dear Excellency to pay for the whole business. Poor little brown mite!

With such a fortune, opening indeed was made for an ambition so long obstructed. But Graham affected no change in his mode of life; he still retained his modest bachelor's apartments, engaged no servants, bought no horses, in no way exceeded the income he had posesssed before. He seemed, indeed, depressed rather than elated by the succession to a wealth which he had never anticipated.

The former were given in the morning, by professors; the latter in the afternoon, either by professors or by students about to take a bachelor's degree. The purpose of the lecture was to read and explain the text of the book or books of the course.

A young bride who gives her first ball, an emancipated minor who gives his first bachelor's dinner, a woman of talent who reads aloud for the first time her first unpublished work, are not more joyous and proud, and, at the same time, more attentive to their guests, than was this lady with her prelates.

Lady Arpington read Gower's note. She unburdened herself: 'Oh! So it 's no longer a bachelor's household! Henrietta heaved the biggest of sighs. 'I fear the poor dear may have made matters worse. To which Lady Arpington said: 'Worse or better, my child! and shrugged; for the present situation strained to snapping.