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Norris Carthew is earnestly entreated to call without delay at the office of Mr. , where important intelligence awaits him." "It must manage to wait for me for six months," said Norris lightly enough, but yet conscious of a pang of curiosity. Before noon, on the 26th November, there cleared from the port of Sydney the schooner Currency Lass.

Our trade in that quarter is increasing and our forces are being reduced. Pending before the Congress is a recommendation for the settlement of the Greek debt and the Austrian debt. Both of these are comparatively small and our country can afford to be generous. The rehabilitation of these countries awaits their settlement. There would also be advantages to our trade.

After Maria Clara entered the nunnery, Padre Damaso left his town to live in Manila, as did also Padre Salvi, who, while he awaits a vacant miter, preaches sometimes in the church of St.

The lover looked up questioningly, a deep throb in his heart. "Soon soon!" reiterated Manetho. "Love is a thing of moments more than of years. I know it! Do you stand idle while Gnulemah awaits you? We may die to-morrow!" "I have no right to hurry her," said Helwyse in a low voice. "She knows nothing of the world. I would marry her to-morrow " "To-morrow! why not to-day?

"Ruin, then, awaits the countess, ruin, and the inquisition yawn to ingulf you; and dishonor in having involved that noble lady in such a labyrinth of perils attends upon me," continued Orsini, perceiving that his dark threats had produced the effect which he desired.

With no fear for the future and little regret for the present or the past, he awaits calmly the dread summons, and dies with a resignation which a Stoic philosopher might envy. In the above paragraph I have used the word Icon, and perhaps the reader may not clearly understand the word.

He only wished us to be warned and to resolve anew that in the spiritual conflict which awaits us we shall be true to him as loyal soldiers of the cross. We go forth to battle, but on some brighter morrow we shall be seated with him at a heavenly feast with banquet and song. C. The Agony In Gethsemane. Ch. 22:39-46

"And even then, O Prince," she cried, "the arm of the Holy Thern is long. It reaches to every nation of Barsoom. His secret temples are hidden in the heart of every community. Wherever we go should we escape we shall find that word of our coming has preceded us, and death awaits us before we may pollute the air with our blasphemies."

But, to remove at once from your mind the possibility of such a compromise between your honour and repugnance repugnance! have I lived to say that word? know that your fortune is not at your own disposal. Save the small forfeit that awaits your non-compliance with my uncle's dying prayer, the whole is settled peremptorily on yourself and your children; it is entailed, you cannot alienate it.

Life seems inspiring at certain moments, but it seems terrible and unsafe; and I ask myself why I should wantonly measure myself with merciless forces, when I have learned so well how to stand aside and let them pass. Why shouldn't I turn my back upon it all and go home to what awaits me? to that sightless, soundless country life, and long days spent among old books?