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Breakin' hearts an' spoilin' lives aw've seen them floowers bloomin'." "'E didn't break no witherin' 'earts, an' 'e didn't spoil no lives. The lydies was both married afore Macnamara got as far as Wady Halfar. 'E break 'earts not much! 'E went to Khartoum to be quiet." "Aw'm pityin' the laads that married them lasses." "'Ere, keep your bloomin' pity. I wuz one.

And at this Captain wagged his tail with delight, and rubbed his cold nose under the palm of Moses' hand. 'Aw've gin thee a bad name, owd mon, and they'n tried to hang thee for't; but thaa'll happen do summat some day as they'll tee a medal raand thi neck for, and when thaa'rt deead build thee a moniment.

The death of little Job had rolled away the stone from the mouth of the sepulchre of her own dead child; and as she held the hand of the lately-bereaved mother she dropped many a word of comfort. 'I'll tell thee what aw've bin thinkin', said the old woman. 'What han yo' bin thinkin', Gronny? 'Why, I've bin thinkin' haa good th' Almeety is He's med angels o' them as we med lads.

In another case, a clean old decrepid man presented himself. "What's brought you here, Joseph?" said the chairman. "Why; aw've nought to do, nor nought to tak to." "What's your daughter, Ellen, doing, Joseph?" "Hoo's eawt o' wark." "And what's your wife doing?" "Hoo's bin bed-fast aboon five year."

"Aw've taken off ma hat to Goordon's nevvy-he be a fine man-head for macheens he has"-Holgate's eyes dwelt on his engine lovingly; "but aw've heerd nowt o' Macnamara-never nowt o' him. Who was Macnamara?" 'E was the bloomin' flower of the flock-'e was my pal as took service in the Leave-me-alone-to-die Regiment at Khartoum." "Aw've never read o' Macnamara. Dost think tha'll ever know how he went?"

Aw've awlus bin flayed, and never gone near 'em. 'Thaa may thank God as thy lad didn't dee of a fayver. Aw's never forgeet haa th' measter and I watched and listened to aar lad's ravin's. Haa he rached aat wi' his honds, and kept settin' up and makin' jumps at what he fancied he see'd abaat him; and when we co'd him he never knowed us.

Fielding was affectionately called "the Governor" by his subordinates and friends. "We all have our likes and dislikes," rejoined Dicky casually, and blew smoke in the eyes of the Farshoot. "Aye, aw've seen places that bad! but Hasha has taaste of its own in Goovnur's mouth, ma life on't!" "Never can tell when a thing'll pall on the taste. Hasha's turn with the Governor now, eh?" rejoined Dicky.

"Varra like it laid away in a spot wheear it could hev summat to luk at when it hed done wark for th' day. "Sooa aw lost mi best layer through mi actin', an' aw've never invented owt sen." One learns to be modest by living on a poultry farm, for there are constant expositions of the most deplorable vanity among the cocks.

"Nay, sure. Does he get ony wage?" "Nawe," replied Skedlock; "he's drawn his wage wi' his teeth, so fur. But he's larnin', yo' known he's larnin'. Where's yo'r Jone? I want to see him abeawt some plants." "Well," said Nanny, "sit tho down a minute. Hasto no news? Thae'rt seldom short of a crack o' some mak." "Nay," said Skedlock, scratching his rusty pate, "aw don't know 'at aw've aught fresh."

Aw connot stur a fut fur folks as knaws mo, and knaws mo name, and knaws what aw be after. Lonnon is a dreedfu' plaze. Aw mun geet mo lass to whoam. Yo'll mind th' shop till th' maister cooms back. War. You'd better stop. The man will be back directly. You're too suspicious. Tho. Nea, maister, thae'rt wrung theer. Aw've trusted too mich a theawsand times too mich. War.