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"It ish not so mosh vat I shee, as vat I no shee, sir, dat trembles me. It cannot surely be possib dat de Prussian an' Hanoverian troop have left de place, and dat dese dem Franceman ave advance so far as de Elbe autrefois, dat ish, once more? "French!" said Deadeye: 'poo, nonsense; no French hereabouts; none nearer than those cooped up in Hamburgh with Davoust, take my word for it."

"Ay, that it is!" and Priscilla wiped the teardrops off her cheeks with a corner of her apron "An' I've often thought it seems a silly kind o' business to bring us into the world at all for no special reason 'cept to take us out of it again just as folks 'ave learned to know us a bit and find us useful.

Towards the end of the tenth century the custom of adding the angelic salutation, the "Ave Maria," to the Lord's prayer, was first introduced; and by the end of the following century, it had been adopted in the offices of the Church. This was, at first, intended as a perpetual reminder of the mystery of the Incarnation, as announced by the angel.

I rang the bell, and after a short wait the door was opened by a little maid about the size and age of Gertie 'Uggins, dressed in a cap and a print frock. "Is Miss Vivien in?" I asked boldly. She shook her head. "Miss Vivien's out. 'Ave you got an appointment?" "No," I said. "I only want to know where Mr. Morrison is, and when he's coming back.

"Fontenette," I exclaimed, "what have you heard what have you done?" "My frien', 'tis not what I 'ave heard, neitheh what I 'ave done; 'tis what I 'ave got." "Got? Why, you've got nothing, you Creole of the Creoles. Your skin's as cool as mine." "Feel my pulse," he said. I felt it. It wasn't less than a hundred and fifty.

"The most perfect text with the fewest possible notes. Whoever wants to know what Shakespeare wrote must refer to Collier's edition." Monthly Magazine. "Mr. Collier has brought to his task the aid of great research, discrimination, and intimate knowledge of the true mode of treating his subject." Age. WHITTAKER and CO., Ave Maria Lane.

"He 'ad another go with the boat-hook arter they 'ad gone; then 'e gave it up, and sat in the boat waiting. "'This'll be a bad job for you, watchman, he ses, shaking his 'ead. 'Where was you when it 'appened? "'He's been missing all the evening, ses the cook, wot was standing beside me. 'If he'd been doing 'is dooty, the pore gal wouldn't 'ave been drownded. Wot was she doing on the wharf?

An hour later Harry, wandering by the younger man's side, strove for words and at last uttered them. "I know it's disagreeable," came finally. "But it's necessary. You 'ave n't quit?" "Quit what?" "The mine. You 're going to keep on, ain't you?" Fairchild gritted his teeth and was silent. The answer needed strength. Finally it came. "Harry, are you with me?" "I ain't stopped yet!"

Fitzgerald would be at home this afternoon?" "Oh, yes, sir, 'e will," answered Mrs. Sampson, "a-drinkin' tea with his young lady, who is Miss Frettlby, and 'as got no end of money, not but what I mightn't 'ave 'ad the same 'ad I been born in a 'igher spear." "You need not tell Mr. Fitzgerald I have been here," said Gorby, closing the gate; "I'll probably call and see him myself this afternoon."

He woke up with a shiver and began to groan and then 'e sat up in his bunk and saw old Bill leaning out and staring at 'im. "You've been dreaming, cook," ses Bill, in a trembling voice. "'Ave I?" ses the cook. "How do you know?" "About me and my niece," ses Bill; "you was talking in your sleep." "You oughtn't to 'ave listened," ses the cook, getting out of 'is bunk and going over to 'im.