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The keys were issued only by Major Connel or Captain Strong, and should anyone attempt to enter the hangar without it, or should the key not make the proper contact, lighting up a small bulb on the top of the box, Tom, Roger, and Astro had simple instructions: Shoot to kill.

"If you don't stand by, I'll open fire! This is your last warning!" Astro grabbed the mike from Roger's hand. "All right!" he bellowed. "We don't know what it's all about, but for the love of Saturn's rings, don't start shooting." Captain Newton nodded grimly. "Very well," he said. "Bring your ship to a dead stop in space and open your starboard air lock. I will send a jet boat over to you."

"By the stars, Corbett, this place is an atom bomb ready to go off in the lap of the Solar Alliance." "What are we going to do, sir?" asked Tom. "So far, it looks as if it's going to be tough to get out again." "We'll have to wait for a break, Tom," sighed Connel. "I hope they've taken good care of Roger," said the cadet in a low voice. "And I hope they've got Astro." "Watch it," warned Connel.

"I'm sure Astro wouldn't be caught unawares by a couple of things like a snake or a tyrannosaurus without putting up a fight. If he was attacked suddenly, he would have fired at least one shot, and if it went wild, it would have burned the vines and brush around here. You didn't find his weapons, and there are no scorched areas. I'll stake my life on it, Astro's alive!"

The walls all round me failed and faded into infinity; I went up the ladder to my bedroom as Montrose went up the ladder to the gallows; sic itur ad astro. Do you think this is a little fantastic even a little fearful and nervous? Believe me, it is only one of the wild and wonderful things that one can learn by stopping at home. The Three Kinds of Men

"What's that, Mann ?" He stopped. Roger was smiling and holding out his hand. "Whether you like it or not, you poor little waif, you've just made yourself a friend." Tom came up to them and leaned against the door casually. "When you two stop gawking at each other like long-lost brothers," he said lazily, "suppose we try to figure a way out of this dungeon." "Tom Roger!" shouted Astro.

"How'd you know we were confined to quarters, sir?" asked Tom. "It's a wonder Vidac allowed you to come see us!" yelled Roger. "Never mind the questions, sir," said Astro. "It's just plain good to see a different face besides these two space jokers. One more game of space chess with Manning and I think I'd "

Alone for just an instant, the three cadets of the Polaris unit clasped hands in silent determination and then plunged into their various assignments. Five minutes later, Connel and Tom returned to the control deck to find Astro waiting for them. Professor Hemmingwell and Barret, both in space suits, were seated on acceleration couches.

"You just blasted to the edge of the cluster and waited for enough time to pass and then came running back here!" "Why, you " growled Astro. He took a menacing step toward Vidac. The older spaceman didn't move. "Yes, Cadet Astro?" said Vidac coldly. "Did you want to say something?" Before Astro could speak, Tom stepped forward.

I have a feeling it's about played itself out." "Of course," reasoned Tom, "we have no real way of knowing when it's stopped and when it hasn't." "Want to open the hatch and take a look?" asked Astro. Tom looked questioningly at Roger, who nodded his head in agreement. Tom walked over to the hatch and began undogging the heavy door.