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Shorty gave them a casual nod of farewell. "Tell Applegate to look me up in Mexico if he wants me," he said. Joyce would not let it go at that. She made him shake hands. He was in the saddle, and her eyes lifted to his and showered gratitude on him. "We'll never forget you never," she promised. "And we do so hope you'll be prosperous and happy." He grinned down at her sheepishly.

After dismounting his men, Major Jackson requested Captain Applegate to go forward among the Indians and tell them they must surrender and go back to the reservation. But scarcely had Captain Applegate reached the center of the village, when he saw the women running and throwing themselves face downward in a low place between the two lines.

What was the surprise of Captain Applegate, therefore, when Jackson announced his intention of turning them all loose. In vain he and Dave Hill protested, but to no purpose. Jackson declared he was short of ammunition; besides, must care for his wounded men. He then told the squaws to pack up their horses and go to the men and tell them to come to the reservation.

Will it go off?" cried Ken, squirming around to look down at his seat. "I thought it was a chest, or something." "It's a melodeon!" Phil said weakly. "A melodeon! Oh, ye gods and little fishes!" shouted Ken. "Oh, my prophetic soul!" and he laughed all the way to Applegate Farm.

He sent the girl to a good school in Applegate, I remember, and there was a bequest of some sort, I believe something that she comes into on her twenty-first birthday." "She isn't twenty-one then, is she?" "I don't know, Jonathan, I really can't remember." "Perhaps Aunt Kesiah can tell me something about her?" "Oh, she can and she will but Kesiah is so violent in all her opinions!

"I can't see Applegate arrestin' him. He'll fight, Dug will. My notion is he'll take to the hills and throw off all pretense. If he does he'll be the worst killer ever was known in this part of the country. You an' Crawford want to look out for him, Dave." "Crawford says he wants me to be treasurer of the company, Bob. You and I are to manage it, he says, with Burns doing the drilling."

I am going to stay here as long as grandfather lives, so I can take care of him, and then I'll run off somewhere to the city and trim hats for a living. When I was at school in Applegate I trimmed hats for all of the pupils." "Oh, Molly, Molly, I'll not give you up! Some day you'll see things differently." "Never never. Now, I've warned you and it isn't my fault if you keep on after this."

"You'll show me nothin' turncoat!" "It helps a lot, too, when the man you hit is not expecting it," suggested Anastacio smoothly. "You might show me sometime when I'm looking for it." "Now what's biting you?" demanded Pringle testily. "What did you expect me to do send 'em a note by registered mail?" "I'm not speaking about Applegate. That was all right. I am speaking about your friend."

Yet so contradictory are the passions, that he felt he loved her the more, if possible, because of the angry soreness at his heart. Turning in the direction of Applegate, they continued their ride at a canter, and the afternoon was over when they passed the cross-roads again on their homeward way.

Then relief came to him for a few hours one day when he drifted into a local meeting in Applegate and entered into a discussion of politics. At the end he spoke for twenty minutes, and when his speech was over, he told himself that at last he had found something that might take the place of love in his life. The game of politics showed itself to him in all the exciting allurement of a passion.