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Gray determined that the girl should not be disappointed if he could help it, so he went directly to the head saleswoman of the first store, and asked her to assume the role of counselor where circumstance compelled him to relinquish it, explaining that in addition to hats, gowns, shoes, and the like, both Ma and Allie needed a variety of confidential apparel with which he had only the vaguest acquaintance.

And then Marion remembered that Allie March was in her grammar class; and Allie was a professed Christian. Could she help her? It was not pride in Marion, but she had to smile at the thought of herself being helped by so very third-rate a brain as that which Allie March possessed.

Remember those elk steaks we had there last fall, sis?" Allie made a wry face at the memory. "Poor Charlie! He will think he's come into the wilderness. You should have seen his face, Howard, when we were driving up Main Street. It was too funny; he looked as if he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Oh, I say," remonstrated Charlie, his dignity breaking down all at once; "how old are you, Allie, sixty, or seventy-five?" "You shouldn't laugh," returned Allie, shaking her head at him reproachfully. "That's just the way Mrs. Pennypoker talks to Ned and Grant; I've heard her, lots of times.

Always afterward, then, he would think of Beauty Stanton with a grateful heart. She was to be the instrument of his salvation. Hough and Ancliffe had died to save Allie Lee from the vile clutch of Benton; but to Beauty Stanton, the woman of ill-fame, had been given the power. She gloried in it. Allie Lee was safely hidden in her house.

The "disconsolate pair" were my little sisters, Allie and Daisy, who now approached, trundling their dolls' perambulators in front of them, and followed by mammy, who came limping after, also wearing a most lugubrious expression; but whereas their distress was plainly mental, her's was physical, drawn forth by pain.

"Fresno, it's gold you want," she affirmed, rather than asked. "Sure. But no small stake like thet'd be my choice ag'in' you," he leered, jerking a thumb back at his companions. "You remember Horn?" went on Allie. "Horn! The miner who made thet big strike out near Sacramento?" "Yes, that's who I mean," replied Allie, hurriedly. "We we left California in his caravan.

I hope Eddie and Allie are paying strict attention to their studies; for if they do, success is almost certain, and in after years they will rejoice because of their present self-denial. "And now, my darling, good-bye for the present. Kiss all the children for their papa. "Your affectionate husband, It is now time that we should return to Ruth and her children.

Dinner ready?" exclaimed Howard, casting his skates into the nearest chair, and moving up to the stove to warm his chilled fingers. "How was the skating?" asked his mother, looking up from her work to smile at Allie, as she pulled off her coat and hat, and then caught up the child from the floor.

They'll have lookouts on all the hills." It was decided to leave a detachment of soldiers under Lieutenant Brady, who was to remain in camp until the arrival of the graders, and then follow hard on Colonel Dillon's trail. Besides Allie Lee there were five other women in camp, and they all came out to see the troops ride away.