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He glanced at Maria, but seeing the beads ever slipping through her fingers he would not intrude. A la claire fontaine M'en allant promener, J'ai trouve l'eau si belle Que je m'y suis baigne ... Il y a longtemps que je t'aime, Jamais je ne t'oublierai... Words and tune alike haunting; the unaffected sadness of the refrain lingering in the ear, a song that well may find its way to any heart.

«Je revins a Sortino, et en allant visiter l'emplacement de l'ancienne Erbessus, connue maintenant sous le nom de Pentarica, je traversai deux gorges d'une extrême profondeur, dont les encaissemens, taillés presque

Having composed more verses than any man that ever lived, Hugo can only be taken in the smallest doses; if you repeat any passage to a friend across a café table, you are both appalled by the splendour of the imagery, by the thunder of the syllables. "Quel dieu, quel moissonneur de l'éternel été Avait en s'en allant négligemment jeté Cette faucille d'or dans les champs des étoiles."

J'aurois bien desiré voir Alep; mais la caravane n'y allant point et se rendant directement

"A la claire fontaine M'en allant promener, J'ai trouve l'eau si belle Que je m'y suis baigne, Il y a longtemps que je t'aime Jamais je ne t'oublierai." The next day, with the combers of a howling north-westerly gale clutching at the stern of the canoe, I rode in a glory of spray and copper-tasting excitement back to Dick and his half-breed settlement. But the incident had its sequel.

The conditions of marriage, however, were somewhat complicated, as it was always necessary to secure the consent of three persons before a girl of the higher class could go to the altar in nuptial array. These three persons were her father or her guardian, her lord and the king. It was Hugo who likened the feudal system to a continually ascending pyramid with the king at the very summit, and that interminable chain of interdependence is well illustrated in the present case. Suppose the father, brother, or other guardian had decided upon a suitable husband for the daughter of the house, it was necessary that he should first gain the consent of that feudal lord to whom he gave allegiance, and when this had been obtained, the king himself must give his royal sanction to the match. Nor was this all, for a feudal law said that any lord can compel any woman among his dependants to marry a man of his own choosing after she has reached the age of twelve. Furthermore, there was in existence a most cruel, barbarous, and repulsive practice which gave any feudal lord a right to the first enjoyment of the person of the bride of one of his vassals. As Legouvé has so aptly expressed it: Les jeunes gens payaient de leur corps en allant

Please not offended be At this little notice Of the Casco, Captain Otis, With the novelist's family. Avoir une voyage magnifical Is our wish sincere, That you'll have from here Allant sur la Grande Pacifical.

It was the song Courant had sung, and as he heard it he lifted up his voice at the head of the train, and the two strains blending, the old French chanson swept out over the barren land: "A la claire fontaine! M'en allant promener J'ai trouvé l'eau si belle Que je me suis baigné!" Susan waved a beckoning hand to the voyageur, then turned to Lucy and said joyously: "What fun to have Zavier!