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And if the Divine Artist, whose lavish hand fills everything with goodness; who pours out the treasures of His love and wisdom in every corner of our universe; of whose greatness man knows not an appreciable fraction; who "does all things well" for the very love of doing and of doing well; who utters Himself for the sake of uttering, not only in His eternal, co-equal, all-expressive Word, but also in the broken, stammering accents of a myriad finite words or manifestations if this Divine Artist teaches us anything, it is that man, singly or collectively, is divinest when he finds rest and joy in utterance for its own sake, in "telling the glory of God and showing forth His handiwork," or, as Catholic doctrine puts it, in praise; for praise is the utterance of love, and love is joy in the truth.

'As if you did not know that it is only Isabel! 'Only! May the word be forgiven to a sister! Isabel! The name is all-expressive. 'She is looking even more lovely than usual, said Miss Faithfull. 'I never saw such a countenance. 'She has a colour to-night, added Miss Mercy, 'which does, as you say, make her handsomer than ever. Dear! dear! I hope she is not tired.

For a moment she sat still, and then a pain shot through her, a pain as sharp as a dagger thrust. She drew her hand away. "I can't love I can only hate," she said. "But you do not hate me!" Rolfe repudiated so gross a fact. His voice caught as in a sob. "I, who love you, who have taught you!" She dismissed this what he had taught her with a gesture which, though slight, was all-expressive.

They come under the Explosives Acts. It was not, indeed, within the range of his hope that he might be able to speak to Alice. A look, a long, immortal, all-expressive look, was all he had travelled fifteen miles to give and win. For that he would have travelled fifteen hundred.

"Will you do me a favour?" Ferrani's gesture was all-expressive. Words were entirely superfluous. "I want two addresses, please. First, the address of Joseph, your head musician, and, secondly, the address of Hassan, your coffee-maker." Ferrani effectually concealed any surprise he might have felt. He tore a page from his pocket-book. "Both I know," he declared.

"Trunk? Is it toilettes or sauces madame wishes me to make for her guests? Ma foi! Trunks references one is as unimportant as the other. Is it not enough for the present if I cook for madame? Afterward " She ended with the all-expressive shrug. Evidently madame conceded the point, for without further comment she led the way to the kitchen and presented the bill of fare for dinner.

No foreshadowing of the coming life brightened her purple, pinched-up, withered face, which, as in all new-born children, bore such a ridiculous likeness to extreme old age. No tone of the all-expressive human voice thrilled through the unconscious wail that was her first utterance, and in her wide-open meaningless eyes had never dawned the beautiful human soul.

His most majestic hand undid the mechanical bonds of the national line and made it obey the unwritten laws of his genius. His blank verse marches, pauses, lingers, and charges. It feels the strain, it yields, it resists; it is all-expressive. But if the practice of some of the poets succeeding him had tended to make it rigid and tame again, Swinburne was a new liberator.

Again he struggled for the all-expressive word, and again, his arm in hers, found only a deep "Come along." They walked on in silence through the blackness of the hemlock-shaded lane, where Ethan's sawmill gloomed through the night, and out again into the comparative clearness of the fields.

The white men who listened had heard the song of choirs ringing down resounding aisles, they had been thrilled by the roll of oratorios pealing in melody, beautiful and complex, through the grandest of man's theatres, but never till now had they heard music of voices so weird, so soft and yet so savage, so simple and yet so all-expressive of the fiercest passions known to the human heart.