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According to him it was not so much a case of 'divino amore' as of 'amore di vino, and he was very anxious that the English maid should understand his pun. She laughed pretended showed off her few words of Italian. She thought Alfredo a funny, handsome little man, a sort of toy wound up, of which she could not understand the works. But after all he was a man; and the time slipped by.

Presently indeed Alfredo approached the silent lady sitting under the trees, on tip-toe. Would the signorina be so very kind as to come and look at the tables? The signora so all the household called Miss Manisty had given directions but he, Alfredo, was not sure and it would be so sad if when she came out she were not satisfied! Lucy rose and went to look. She discovered some sugar-tongs missing.

This wonderful craft, senor, is my invention mine, the child of the brain of Alfredo Constantio." He struck an attitude. "Well, Mr. Constantio, you're all right," replied Ben," and now if you'll excuse me I'll just go round to my sumptuous apartments and get my ditty bag."

Lucy fancied she caught her own name, and drew back indignant with herself for listening. Then a sound of wheels the opening of the iron gate the driving up of another carriage some shouting between Alfredo and Andreina and it was all over. The villa was at peace again. Lucy drew herself to her full height, in a fierce rigidity of self-contempt.

They would suffer a death in the flesh, as 'John' had suffered in fighting the street crowd, as these men suffered year after year cramped in their black gloomy cold Swiss valley, working in the factory. But there would come a new spirit out of it. Even Alfredo was submitted to the new process; though he belonged entirely by nature to the sort of Il Duro, he was purely sensuous and mindless.

The host was in the room, and his daughter, a beautiful red-haired girl. Greetings were exchanged with the quick, intimate directness of Italy. But there was another note also, a faint echo of reserve, as though they reserved themselves from the outer world, making a special inner community. Alfredo was hot: he took off his coat.

Shortly after, letters had begun to arrive addressed to English nonexistent people in the quiet little Calle Alfredo Menandez, sometimes from Allied countries, sometimes from Holland, or from Port-Bou over against Cerbère in Spain; and every one of these found its natural way to the house of the German official.

The other conspirators left him in a hut by the road and escaped. Tejera was found by the pursuers, taken to the fort in Santo Domingo City, and summarily executed. The commandant of arms of the capital, General Alfredo M. Victoria, who controlled the military forces, permitted his own ambitions to influence him more than the welfare of his country.

The Alfredo, flushed, roused, handsome, but very soft and enveloping in his heat, laughed and threw himself into his pose, laughed foolishly, and then gave himself up to his part.