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"What!" cried Mr. Lavender, "do you tell me they were not Germans?" "Well, their names was Tompkins, 'Obson, and Brown, and they 'adn't an 'aitch in their 'eads." "God be praised!" said Mr. Lavender. "I am, then, still an English gentleman. Joe, I am very hungry; is there nothing left?" "Nothin' whatever, sir," replied Joe. "Then take me home," said Mr.

And in the same journal, for 2nd August 1902, he wrote as follows: The question raised by Jay Aitch as to the school of mystics founded by Lavater, and the large book The Veiled Queen, by 'Philip Aylwin, which contains quotations that Jay Aitch affirms have haunted him ever since he read them, are certainly questions about as interesting as any that could have been raised in connexion with the story.

As a matter of fact, it was not the original of 'Wilderspin' nearly so much as the original D'Arcy who was captured by the doctrine of what is called in the story the 'Aylwinian. With regard to Johann Kaspar Lavater, Jay Aitch is no doubt aware that, although this once noted writer's fame rests entirely upon his treatise Physiognomische Fragmente, he founded a school of mystics in Switzerland.

"Been 'ere" he sometimes dropped an aitch and sometimes did not "this half hour." The fact apparently surprised him, almost indeed upset him. "This 'alf hour," he repeated, this time dropping the aitch to make a change. "Oh," said Claude, disdaining the explanation which seemed to be expected. He walked on, leaving the guardian to his gout.

"Well, Master Angel," said Mary Ellen, "I don't want to hurt ye, but it do make me heart-sick to see ye bashin' aitch other wid pokers for the sake av a bit girl that's not worth a tinker's curse to ye! Now thin here's a piece of cowld puddin' to each av ye sit on the durestep where the missus won't see ye, an' git outside av it."

There seemed to me to be something floating about in the water, a little narrow thing like a child's body and and all on a sudden a small white face seemed to look up into mine! Oh, it was 'orrible!" Pegler did not often drop an aitch, but when she did so forget herself, she did it thoroughly.

She spoke very carefully, but there was an unmistakable accent. Once she left out an aitch, and then she said the word over again quite right." Maggie nodded gently, with a certain air of pity, and Mrs. Baxter went on encouraged. "She had a little stammer that that Laurie thought very pretty, and she had a restless little way of playing with her fingers as if on a piano.

We were both dreadfully affected at our rescue. Atkinson and the Russian dog-boy, Dimitri, had come out hot-foot to save us, and of all men in the Expedition none could have been better chosen than "Little Aitch," our clever naval doctor.

Robin opened the door, went straight up to the very dark and very thin man whom he saw sitting by the fire, and, staring at this man with intensity, lifted up his face, at the same time saying: "'Ullo, Fa!" There was a dropped aitch for which nurse, who was very choice in her English, would undoubtedly have rebuked him had she been present.

Then, after a hymn, a sister, such a very plain, elderly sister, with hardly a tooth or an aitch in her head, began to relate her religious history. It appeared that she had been a much greater sinner than she looked, and that the mercy shown her had been proportionate.