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“And well they may say so, Aggycried Richard, leaving the buck and walking up to the negro with the air of a man who has new interest awakened within him, “I think I may say, without bragging, that it is the handsomest and the most scientific country church in America.

"I seem to feel that we shall drift further and further apart if once I let you go." "Then you feel that we have drifted a little already?" "I don't know what has come over you, Aggy, but there has been a change. I'm what I was, and I want to keep you." Agatha rose and turned towards him rather white in face. "Then if you are wise you will not urge me now."

"How do you feel, mother?" asks the oldest of the two girls. "Does your head ache?" "Not now, dear. It ached a little while ago; but it is better now." "What made it ache, mother?" "Something troubled Aggy, and her crying sent a pain through my temples. But it went away with the clouds that passed from her darling little face." "Why, she's asleep, mother!" exclaimed Anna. "So she is.

"I've nothing to lose," Percivale had said. "You have a young wife, Joe." "I've everything to win," Joe had returned. "The only thing that makes me feel a bit faint-hearted over it, is that I'm afraid it's not my duty that drives me to it, but the praise of men, leastways of a woman. What would Aggy think of me if I was to let them drown out there and go to my bed and sleep? I must go."

"Now," he said, "there are just three reasons, Aggy, why you should have troubled yourself about this thing. You are, perhaps, a little sorry for Moran's wife, but as you haven't even seen her that can hardly count for much. The next is, that you don't care to see me doing what you regard as a shabby thing; perhaps it is a shabby thing in some respects, but I feel it's justifiable.

As the wind had also risen, and it seemed as if the weather was not likely to improve, the laird hurried his party down to the boat. Waterproofs were put on, umbrellas were put up, the sails were hoisted, and the boat put off. "I fear the sea is very rough," remarked Milly Moss, drawing close to Aggy Anderson, so as to shelter her somewhat from the driving rain.

Thrusting the glass into its case with a bang, he strode down the mountain-side in rampant fury, leaving the solemn eagle to watch the lovers as they plighted their troth under the mighty cliff. Happily they brought the momentous transaction to a close just before Junkie and the highly convalescent Aggy Anderson re-appeared upon the scene.

"'Our little placer claim, says Aggy slowly, rubbing his hands together, 'covers that ford; and by a judicious taking up of claims for various uncles and brothers and friends of ours along the creek on the lowlands, we can fix it so they can't even bridge it. "'Do you mean they can't cross our claim if we say they can't? "'Sure thing! says Aggy.

"I tried to get him to stop, sir, saying he had done quite enough last night for all next day; but he told me it was his business to get the tire put on Farmer Wheatstone's cart-wheel to-day just as much as it was his business to go in the life-boat yesterday. So he would go, and Aggy wouldn't stay behind." "Fine fellow, Joe!" I said, and took my leave.

"You really mustn't worry me about these matters, Aggy. A good many of us are in the storekeepers' or mortgage-jobbers' hands, and there's no doubt that if I have another good year at the Range I shall clear off the debt." Agatha turned her face away from him for a moment or two.