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The Western nations have taken a peculiar pride in having a free Press; that is to say, a Press that may be bought by anyone. Our Press is constantly bought and sold, in gross and detail, by financiers, advertisers, political parties, and the like.

It's grand type none of your Calcutta-made stuff." "Pays to bring it out, does it?" asked Hilda inattentively, copying her letter. "Pays the advertisers." There were ingratiating qualities in the managerial smile. Hilda inspected them coldly. "There's your notice of withdrawal," she said. "Good-morning." "Think of that new type, and how lovely Jimmy Finnigan's ad will look in it."

Captain Arthur left files of Boston papers for Captain T , which, after they had been read and talked over in the cabin, I procured from my friend the third mate. One file was of all the Boston Transcripts for the month of August, 1835, and the rest were about a dozen Daily Advertisers and Couriers, of different dates. After all, there is nothing in a strange land like a newspaper from home.

That night Harrington Surtaine went to bed pondering on the strange attitude of the newspaper mind toward so matter-of-fact a quality as honesty; and he dreamed of a roomful of advertisers listening in sodden silence to his own grandiloquent announcement, "Gentlemen: honesty is the best policy," while, in a corner, McGuire Ellis and Max Veltman clasped each other in an apoplectic agony of laughter.

Through their concerted influence that crowd could put the thing over in twenty-four hours. They could line up the Authors' League, line up the defence societies, line up the national advertisers, line up organised labour in the printing trades line up everybody and everything worth while. Oh, it could be done make no mistake about that.

"You sign-painters don't seem to be getting any signs started," he observed. "No," replied one of the men, laughing. "This is a peculiar job for our firm to tackle. We've made a contract to paint out every sign in the district." "Paint 'em out!" "Yes, cover them up with new paint, and get rid of them." "But how about the advertisers? Don't they own the spaces now?"

The birds, however, were not the only advertisers of his presence; the squirrel, directly she caught sight of him, would hurry from her seat aloft in fir or beach, to the lowest bough, and thence though more wary of Vulp than of Brighteye, the water-vole fling at him the choicest assortment of names her varied vocabulary could supply.

He kept an office for advertisers, counselling, designing, acting as middleman with printers and bill-stickers, for the inexperienced or the uninspired: the dull haberdasher came to him for ideas, the smart theatrical agent for his local knowledge, and one and all departed with a copy of his pamphlet, "How, When, and Where; or, The Advertiser's Vade-Mecum."

Advertisers were, from time to time, alienated; public men, often of The Patriot's own trend of thought, opposed. Commercial associations even passed resolutions, until Banneker took to publishing them with such comment as seemed to him good and appropriate.

It announces itself, in the new Railway Advertisers, as a novel enterprise, timidly beginning to spring up.