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You can be social or anti-social that is, your actions can make for the good or the ill of society. But moral or immoral it is not given to everybody to be. For I do not agree with those who would substitute social and anti-social for those ancient adjectives. We are concerned with the quality of acts as well as with their effects, with the soul as well as its environment.

Aylett. "He can not last much longer." "And all because a pretty girl said him 'Nay!" pursued the wife. Mr. Aylett and Mr. Dorrance made characteristic responses in a breath. "The greater blockhead he!" said one. The other, "His was never a rightly balanced mind, I suspect. I always thought him weak and impressionable." "Are your adjectives synonymous?" asked Mrs. Aylett playfully. "Generally!"

When the poetical young gentleman makes use of adjectives, they are all superlatives. Everything is of the grandest, greatest, noblest, mightiest, loftiest; or the lowest, meanest, obscurest, vilest, and most pitiful. He knows no medium: for enthusiasm is the soul of poetry; and who so enthusiastic as a poetical young gentleman? ‘Mr.

He appeared to have dredged the dictionary for adjectives. I could think of none that he had not used. Yet he was a perfectly sound poker-player and never showed more cards than were sufficient to take the pool. 'Aren't you going to leave him a single bellow? I asked sympathetically. 'Remember, everything goes in the States, from a trouser-button to a double-eagle.

I persuaded the captain that there was no need to sound the whistle, but he declined gruffly to increase his speed. "I might as well be shot as run my boat ashore," he growled, with a few emphatic seamanlike adjectives that appeared to belong to nothing in particular. "And any one that doesn't like my way of running a boat can get out and walk."

For he comes, the human child, To the waters and the wild With a faery, hand in hand, From a world more full of weeping than he can understand. There is no painting here, no adjective-work. But no painting or adjectives could better suggest all that the world and the loss of the world mean to an imaginative child than this brief collection of simple things.

He was trying with a curious intentness to study her dispassionately, to understand the nature of the charm on which dramatic critics had wasted a wealth of adjectives, and of which he himself was humanly and personally conscious. She wore a high-necked gown of some soft, black material, with a little lace at her throat fastened by her only article of jewellery, a pearl pin.

I find it to consist in an instinctively lavish use of vowels and adjectives. My lord and Farmer Blaize speak the same tongue, only my lord's has lost its backbone, and is limp, though fluent. Their pursuits are identical; but that one has money, or, as the Pilgrim terms it, vantage, and the other has not.

As truly deep-dyed villain could have hornswaggled him as readily as he could have flattered a pretty shop- girl. His fine success as a salesman lay in his geniality and the thoroughly reputable standing of his house. He bobbed about among men, a veritable bundle of enthusiasm-no power worthy the name of intellect, no thoughts worthy the adjectives noble, no feelings long continued in one strain.

John was not gentle with an idea when he despised it, and the adjectives fell in his clear utterance like the blows of a sledge-hammer. But as the idea he was abusing had been suggested by Joe, she resented the strong language. "I am flattered that you should call anything I say by such bad names," she said. "I am not good at arguing and that sort of thing.