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I should be compelled to admit that he represented something unique in that assembly if he had the courage to get up and oppose House Bill 709. I watched him narrowly; the suggestion intruded itself perhaps he had been "seen," as the Colonel expressed it. I repudiated it.

And I am told it was conceived by a lawyer who claims to be a respectable member of his profession, and who has extraordinary ability, Theodore Watling." Krebs put his hand in his pocket and drew out a paper. "Here's a copy of it, House Bill 709." His expression suddenly changed. "Perhaps Mr. Watling is a friend of yours." "I'm with his firm," I replied....

Somewhat to my surprise, I found myself making occasional, unexpected witticisms that drew laughter and applause. Suddenly, from the back of the hall, a voice called out: "How about House Bill 709?" There was a silence, then a stirring and craning of necks. It was my first experience of heckling, and for the moment I was taken aback. I thought of Krebs.

Their oldest apostle there was Publius Nigidius Figulus, a Roman of rank belonging to the strictest section of the aristocracy, who filled the praetorship in 696 and died in 709 as a political exile beyond the bounds of Italy.

Ten members besides himself were recorded against House Bill No. 709! In spite of this overwhelming triumph my feelings were not wholly those of satisfaction when I returned to the hotel and listened to the exultations and denunciations of such politicians as Letchworth, Young, and Colonel Varney.

"This city, of course. What do you know about him?" "Well," I answered, when I had recovered a little from the shock for it was a distinct shock "he lived in Elkington. He was the man who stirred up the trouble in the legislature about Bill 709." The Judge slapped his knee. "That fellow!" he exclaimed, and ruminated. "Why didn't somebody tell me?" he added, complainingly.

So I held my tongue and went away. About a week afterwards I met Evans, the dispensary man, a very common fellow, who was said to be frank. "Helloa!" says he. "Doctor, you made a nice mistake about that darky at No. 709 Bedford street the other night. She had nothing but measles, after all." "Of course I knew," said I, laughing; "but you don't think I was going in for dispensary trash, do you?"

If the statistics kept by the Labor Bureau of the state of New York can be taken as typical of conditions in other parts of the country, and they probably can, the proportion of women unionists has not at all kept pace with the increasing numbers of men organized. In 1894 there were in that state 149,709 men trade unionists, and 7,488 women.

Father Petau, among others, possessed his confidence, as we have already observed, and shall see again. Ep. 935. p. 120. Ep. 487. p. 864. Ep. 1004. p. 641. Ep. 593. p. 913. Ep. 534. p. 914. 537. p. 916. & 1520, p. 689. Ep. 1570. p. 709. Ep. 1078. p. 711. Ep. 607. p. 938. Ep. 610. p. 939. Ep. 613. p. 940. Ep. 674. p. 959. Ep. 677. p. 959. Animad. in animad. Riveti, p. 640. Ep. 628. p. 915.

He revived the old city-lieutenancy of the regal period; on different occasions he committed during his absence the administration of the capital to one or more such lieutenants nominated by him without consulting the people and for an indefinite period, who united in themselves the functions of all the administrative magistrates and possessed even the right of coining money with their own name, although of course not with their own effigy In 707 and in the first nine months of 709 there were, moreover, neither praetors nor curule aediles nor quaestors; the consuls too were nominated in the former year only towards its close, and in the latter Caesar was even consul without a colleague.